On February, 01 2023 13:46 (UTC) (in 1 year) FURIA Esports and Permitta Esports will play a match at the Regular Stage of the 2023 Intel Extreme Masters Katowice Counter-Strike 2 Tournament
Team FURIA will be represented by FalleN, yuurih, chelo, KSCerato, skullz. Whereas Team Permitta is by Twiksar, fostar, Tionix, Orbit, Kre1n.
Team FURIA is ranked #12 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 87 places higher than Permitta place #99.
Teams had no previous encounters.
FURIA current winrate is 60.00% against Permitta's 60.00%.
FURIA current streak is 1 wins against Permitta's 1 loses.