On February, 22 2023 18:30 (UTC) (1 year ago) Cloud9 goes up against Evil Geniuses in the Regular Phase of the 2023 ESL Pro League Season 17 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament
C9 current winrate is 40.00% against EG's 50.00%.
Team C9 is ranked #24 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 24 places lower than EG place #.
Teams had 2 encounters in the past, C9 won 2 times. EG won 0 times.
C9 match line-up is boombl4, interz, Ax1Le, HeavyGod, ICY.
EG line-up is autimatic, Junior, wiz, Walco, Jeorge.
C9 had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team EG had 1 loses.