On October, 10 2023 18:00 (UTC) (1 year ago) MIBR Academy and Super Sangre Joven will face in another fight at the Regular Stage of the 2023 CCT South America Series #12 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament
MIBR Acad current winrate is 40.00% against SSJ's 20.00%.
Teams had no previous encounters.
Team MIBR Acad (rank #234) is 234 places beyond SSJ (rank #).
MIBR Acad had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team SSJ had 1 loses.
Team MIBR Acad will be represented by card, mlhzin, brn$, diozera, Renan Zin. Whereas Team SSJ is by perez, slashzz, Tomate, divine, MaxOff.