On December, 09 2023 09:49 (UTC) (in 1 year) BetBoom and Virtus.Pro will play a fight at the Final Phase of the 2023 BetBoom Dacha Counter-Strike 2 Championship
Team BB is ranked #14 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 12 places higher than VP place #26.
In the opinion of bookmakers the champion of this clash will be Virtus.Pro with the best odd of 1.38 offered by Pinnacle.
Teams had no previous encounters.
BB match roster is boombl4, zorte, Ax1Le, s1ren, Magnojez.
VP roster is electronic, FL1T, fame, FL4MUS, ICY.
BB current winrate is 60.00% against VP's 50.00%.
BB had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team VP had 2 loses.