On June, 01 2023 17:46 (UTC) (1 year ago) nouns and UALEIKUMNIHAO will face in another clash at the Final Stage of the 2023 European Pro League Season 9 Dota 2 Tournament
Teams had no previous encounters.
Team NOUNS will be represented by Fly, Lelis, Gunnar, Yuma, Copy. Whereas Team NIHAO is by b1kA, Otaker, Shergarat, CHIRA_JUNIOR, Mary_y.
NOUNS had 0 wins (last was draw) in a row. Whereas team NIHAO had 3 loses.
NOUNS current winrate is 0.00% against NIHAO's 20.00%.
Team NOUNS (rank #) is 0 places beyond NIHAO (rank #).