Match RED Canids RED C vs Fluxo | 26.01

On January, 26 2025 18:54 (UTC) (in 3 days) RED Canids will fight against Fluxo in the Regular Stage of the 2025 LoL Championship of The Americas Cross Conference South Split 1 League of Legends Championship

Team RED C is ranked #36 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 88 places higher than Fluxo place #124.

The favorite for this one most likely will be RED Canids with maximum odd of 1.08 offered by Pinnacle.

Previously team RED C had won over team Fluxo 5 times, while Fluxo had 4 victories over RED Canids.

Team RED C will be represented by fNB, Grevthar, Aegis, Brance, frostyy. Whereas Team Fluxo is by Sting, Scamber, Kiari, Fuuu, kojima.

RED C had 1 wins in a row. Whereas team Fluxo had 4 loses.

RED C current winrate is 80.00% against Fluxo's 30.00%.