Match Dynamo Eclot Talents DET vs Team UNiTY UNIT | 08.02

On February, 08 2025 12:00 (UTC) (in 1 month) Dynamo Eclot Talents will fight against Team UNiTY in the Regular Stage of the 2025 Hitpoint Masters Spring League of Legends Tournament

Team DET is placed #148 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 76 places lower than UNIT place #72.

The top dog for this one looks to be Team UNiTY with the best odd of 1.48 offered by Pinnacle.

Team DET will be represented by Marlley, Benda, 0ri, Hyper720, Rias1. Whereas Team UNIT is by NOTIKO, Oleg, UniqueCORN, Bobsik, Robko.

DET had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team UNIT had 1 loses.

Teams had no previous encounters.

DET current winrate is 25.00% against UNIT's 50.00%.