Configuration système minimale
Windows XP SP3 Processor:
Any processor with 2 Cores RAM:
2 GB RAM Video card:
ATI or Nvidia Videocard with at least 256MB, or Intel GMA 950 or newer Sound card:
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Disk space:
3 GB available space
OSX 10.7 or later Processor:
Intel Core Duo RAM:
2 GB RAM Video card:
OpenGL 2.0 compatible, ATI or Nvidia Videocard with at least 256MB Sound card:
OpenAL compatible sound card Disk space:
3 GB available space
Ubuntu 12.04 or later Processor:
Any processor with 2 Cores RAM:
2 GB RAM Video card:
OpenGL 2.0 compatible, ATI or Nvidia Videocard with at least 256MB Sound card:
OpenAL compatible sound card Disk space:
3 GB available space Configuration système recommandée
Windows 7 or later Processor:
Any processor with 4 Cores RAM:
4 GB RAM Video card:
ATI or Nvidia Videocard with at least 512MB Sound card:
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Disk space:
3 GB available space
OSX 10.9 or later Processor:
Intel Core i5 RAM:
4 GB RAM Video card:
OpenGL 2.0 compatible, ATI or Nvidia Videocard with at least 512MB Sound card:
OpenAL compatible sound card Disk space:
3 GB available space
Ubuntu 14.04 or later Processor:
Any processor with 4 Cores RAM:
4 GB RAM Video card:
OpenGL 2.0 compatible, ATI or Nvidia Videocard with at least 512MB Sound card:
OpenAL compatible sound card Disk space:
3 GB available space Nous vous recommandons de jouer à Awesomenauts sur un PC Windows qui répond ou dépasse la configuration système recommandée. Si vous essayez de jouer sur Mac ou Linux, préparez-vous à d'éventuels problèmes techniques et changements de performances.