Terminé 03 juin 23:58
2 heures 53 minutes
SR impair: 1.01
Probabilité de gagner selon les bookmakers
TDC impair: 17.50

Statistiques du match

team icon
Carte 1
36 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

SR logo

Shopify Rebellion


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Shadow Fiend icon 23
Artour Babaev
12 4 14 3 25914 36427 188 / 21 / 58 878.9 / 766.7
dota Mask of Madness icon
dota Claymore icon
dota Hurricane Pike icon
dota Monkey King Bar icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Daedalus icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Void Spirit icon 22
Abed Azel Yusop
10 1 14 10 19339 28772 168 / 11 / 109 796.7 / 602.9
dota Manta Style icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Nullifier icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Echo Sabre icon
dota Clarity icon
dota Mars icon 21
République tchèque
Jonáš Volek
8 5 13 1.6 15498 19226 98 / 8 / 46 675 / 481.1
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Mirana icon 20
Andreas Nielsen
5 5 23 1 15149 11179 80 / 3 / 67 646.4 / 455
dota Force Staff icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Guardian Greaves icon
dota Wraith Band icon
dota Observer Ward icon
dota Batrider icon 20
Tal Aizik
5 5 17 1 14442 13829 46 / 2 / 11 651.7 / 461.9
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Boots of Bearing icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Philosopher's Stone icon
dota Clarity icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
TDC logo

Team DogChamp


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Underlord icon 19
Paul Bocchicchio
6 6 7 1 16354 19591 150 / 7 / 98 587.6 / 492.4
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Pipe of Insight icon
dota Guardian Greaves icon
dota Crimson Guard icon
dota Sange icon
dota Wind Lace icon
dota Windranger icon 19
David Cossio
5 7 7 0.71 15505 19668 94 / 15 / 4 599.2 / 458.2
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Gleipnir icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Crystalys icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Healing Salve icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Pangolier icon 17
Nicholas Martinez-Rossi
4 10 9 0.4 14715 26544 160 / 8 / 115 479.1 / 453.8
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Bracer icon
dota Diffusal Blade icon
dota Orb Of Corrosion icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Techies icon 17
Joel Mori Ozambela
3 7 11 0.43 10512 15938 50 / 0 / 22 454.7 / 334.9
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Rod of Atos icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Lich icon 13
Bloody Nine
Daniel Foster
2 12 13 0.17 5266 16220 12 / 0 / 11 287.4 / 238.2
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Pavise icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Magic Wand icon

Choix et bannissements

team icon
Carte 2
45 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

SR logo

Shopify Rebellion


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Timbersaw icon 25
Abed Azel Yusop
10 5 12 2 21468 46303 262 / 8 / 176 850.1 / 596.4
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Ghost Scepter icon
dota Platemail icon
dota Lotus Orb icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Axe icon 24
République tchèque
Jonáš Volek
10 8 14 1.25 20708 41316 225 / 8 / 54 738.5 / 612.2
dota Blade Mail icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Templar Assassin icon 24
Artour Babaev
7 7 13 1 25210 29283 292 / 7 / 123 708.6 / 652.9
dota Desolator icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Demon Edge icon
dota Hurricane Pike icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Daedalus icon
dota Lich icon 21
Tal Aizik
5 8 19 0.63 10786 20291 69 / 3 / 50 570.7 / 370.4
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Lotus Orb icon
dota Ceremonial Robe icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Techies icon 21
Andreas Nielsen
4 12 19 0.33 11915 15556 57 / 2 / 40 572.5 / 341
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Guardian Greaves icon
dota Blood Grenade icon
TDC logo

Team DogChamp


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Void Spirit icon 27
Nicholas Martinez-Rossi
19 8 17 2.38 36588 46320 239 / 16 / 181 974.8 / 737.6
dota Manta Style icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Nullifier icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Echo Sabre icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Cheese icon
dota Dark Seer icon 25
Paul Bocchicchio
11 2 24 5.5 29494 22233 240 / 6 / 164 816 / 685.1
dota Heaven's Halberd icon
dota Guardian Greaves icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Aegis of the Immortal icon
dota Pipe of Insight icon
dota Bullwhip icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter (Roshan) icon
dota Dark Willow icon 22
Joel Mori Ozambela
5 12 22 0.42 14075 20109 15 / 0 / 3 606.1 / 376.2
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
dota Spirit Vessel icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Magnus icon 24
David Cossio
3 5 26 0.6 22966 21789 138 / 3 / 5 721.1 / 584.4
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Harpoon icon
dota Greater Healing Lotus icon
dota Titan Sliver icon
dota Silencer icon 21
Bloody Nine
Daniel Foster
2 9 28 0.22 13662 17087 18 / 3 / 6 559.3 / 356.2
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Pavise icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Heaven's Halberd icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Sentry Ward icon
dota Cheese icon

Choix et bannissements

team icon
Carte 3
27 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

SR logo

Shopify Rebellion


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Windranger icon 21
Artour Babaev
20 1 15 20 19534 37331 133 / 13 / 95 934.8 / 741.1
dota Bracer icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Rod of Atos icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Maelstrom icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Ember Spirit icon 18
Abed Azel Yusop
16 3 18 5.33 16877 35878 148 / 4 / 141 706.7 / 653.1
dota Orb Of Corrosion icon
dota Ghost Scepter icon
dota Blade Mail icon
dota Gleipnir icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Pugna icon 14
Tal Aizik
8 6 23 1.33 9546 12527 13 / 2 / 5 409.1 / 408.4
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Cloak icon
dota Perseverance icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Fluffy Hat icon
dota Magnus icon 21
République tchèque
Jonáš Volek
8 0 19 18293 16716 135 / 15 / 52 949.7 / 682.3
dota Harpoon icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Ring of Health icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Mirana icon 15
Andreas Nielsen
6 3 30 2 11603 14940 24 / 3 / 8 512.7 / 396.3
dota Guardian Greaves icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Wraith Band icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
TDC logo

Team DogChamp


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Dark Willow icon 13
Joel Mori Ozambela
6 13 2 0.46 6221 15164 6 / 2 / 5 389.1 / 302.7
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Healing Lotus icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Healing Salve icon
dota Timbersaw icon 15
Paul Bocchicchio
2 12 2 0.17 9082 14984 93 / 3 / 51 468.9 / 369.6
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Soul Ring icon
dota Blade Mail icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Belt of Strength icon
dota Vanguard icon
dota Clarity icon
dota Mysterious Hat icon
dota Sven icon 16
David Cossio
2 5 4 0.4 12751 11111 81 / 3 / 50 557.9 / 468.8
dota Mask of Madness icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Echo Sabre icon
dota Quelling Blade icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Silencer icon 9
Bloody Nine
Daniel Foster
1 13 7 0.08 3449 13088 4 / 2 / 4 206.1 / 211.2
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Pavise icon
dota Sentry Ward icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Fluffy Hat icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Void Spirit icon 13
Nicholas Martinez-Rossi
1 16 4 0.06 8216 10549 114 / 4 / 110 382.2 / 354.6
dota Yasha icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Echo Sabre icon
dota Bracer icon

Choix et bannissements

Comparaison des équipes

Compétence SR
Compétence TDC
ENSI.Rank ?
ENSI.Score ?
Streak ?
Winrate 10 ?
Winrate 30 ?
Forme actuelle ?

Rencontres précédentes

Victoires de SR: 2
Tirages: 0
Victoires de TDC: 0

Toutes les rencontres SR et TDC (2)

Rencontres avec des adversaires communs (60 Jours)

Les équipes n'avaient pas d'adversaires communs

Performances récentes des équipes

Victoires de SR: 1
Victoires de TDC: 1

Actualités des équipes

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