On January, 22 2022 22:25 (UTC) (3 years ago) MIBR Academy will fight against Young Gods in the Final Phase of the 2022 RedZone PRO League Season 1 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Team MIBR Acad is ranked #233 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 233 places lower than YGods place #.

Teams had no previous encounters.

Team MIBR Acad will be represented by card, mlhzin, brn$, diozera, Renan Zin. Whereas Team YGods is by Cham, Wonder, MaiL09, Focus, viz.

MIBR Acad current winrate is 40.00% against YGods's 30.00%.

MIBR Acad had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team YGods had 2 loses.