On March, 01 2023 15:00 (UTC) (1 year ago) Heroic goes up against Movistar Riders in the Regular Stage of the 2023 ESL Pro League Season 17 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament
Heroic current winrate is 60.00% against MR's 50.00%.
Heroic had 1 wins in a row. Whereas team MR had 2 loses.
Teams had 3 encounters in the past, Heroic won 2 times. MR won 1 times.
Team Heroic is placed #8 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 8 places lower than MR place #.
Heroic match roster is nicoodoz, sjuush, Nertz, TeSeS, kyxsan.
MR roster is JUST, mopoz, dav1g, adamS-, MartinezSa.