• paiN Gaming is a League of Legends Esports team from Brazil.
  • Current team streak is 1 losses in a row.
  • paiN Gaming is ranked #24 in the Ensigame League of Legends Ranking having Ensi.Score = 1639.
  • Over the last month the team has played 5 matches, won 3 of them and climbed 14 positions in the ranking.
  • paiN last 10 matches winrate is 70.00 %.
  • The next match of the team will be held at Worlds tournament on 8 hours from now. T1 will be the opponent.
  • Since the beginning of the year the team has played 48 matches.
  • Current paiN Gaming line-up: TitaN, Dynquedo, Cariok, Kuri, Wizer.
  • The last paiN Gaming match took place at Worlds tournament on yesterday, 19:19. paiN Gaming lost to the G2 Esports with a score of 1:0.
  • Last paiN achievement was 2nd place in the CBLoL Split 2 2022 tournament, which finished on September 03, 2022 and earned $ 14,376 to the team.
  • paiN Gaming earned a total of $ 263,068 prize money. In the past 2023 year the team earned .