In Overwatch 2, there are quite a few support characters, but ever since the alpha tests of the first part of the shooter, players have loved the most iconic healer from Switzerland — Angela Ziegler, known by the alias Mercy.
In this article, we will delve into the abilities and playstyles of the main support in the team!
Why Mercy?
Before diving into a detailed analysis of this character's skill set and playstyles, it’s worth discussing who this hero is suited for and why. After all, there are other support characters, some of whom might initially seem much stronger than Angela.
First and foremost, Mercy is the quintessential healer and support. Her very appearance suggests that she is designed to provide healing and assist her allies in battle. She doesn’t rush to the front lines: instead, Angela steadily and methodically supports all team members, not only through healing but also by boosting their damage or reviving them at critical moments.
Mercy is ideal for players who want to focus 100% on assisting their teammates. However, this heroine requires a sound and clear understanding of the situation around her. Believe me, playing as Angela is not just about auto-targeting healing on a single ally: it's about using her abilities in the right sequence at the right time. Her gameplay is not as simple as it might seem to many.
General gameplay features
When playing as Mercy in Overwatch 2, players should remember that she is a priority target for the enemy team. But you also need to support all your allies, regardless of their position. Here are a few tips on what gamers should pay attention to during team fights:
- Keep track of the positions of all your team members. Don’t just focus on the tanks upfront: pay attention to the damage dealers at the back. Saving just one of them won’t guarantee a victory in a team fight.
- Monitor HP levels and compare them. If Reinhardt has 70% health, he can withstand more damage than Widowmaker with the same health percentage. Do the math in your head!
- Beware of enemy carries and assassins. Yes, you need to watch not only your allies’ positions but also those of the enemies. If a Reaper or Genji takes you down from the shadows, your team will be in a very bad situation.
- Skillful Use of Abilities. Dashing to a teammate who’s trapped and on the verge of death is not heroism; it’s foolishness. This way, the team loses not one hero but two. Assess the situation wisely and weigh the risks!
- Don’t underestimate the Caduceus Blaster. Although it doesn’t deal much damage and its projectiles are slow, sometimes it’s the player’s last resort. Even if you don’t eliminate the enemy, you can deal crucial damage, either forcing the opponent to retreat or enabling your damage dealers to finish the job.
Skillful use of abilities
Dashing to a teammate trapped and on the verge of death is not heroism, it’s folly. This way, the team loses not just one hero but two. Assess the situation wisely and weigh the risks!
Don’t underestimate the Caduceus Blaster. While this weapon doesn’t deal much damage and its projectiles are slow, sometimes it’s your last resort. Even if you don’t kill the enemy, the damage you deal may either force them to retreat or allow your damage dealers to finish the job.
Abilities and skills
🔹 Regeneration – a passive ability that allows Mercy to regenerate 20 health per second if she isn’t taking damage. Don’t forget about this passive, especially when you’re under enemy focus.
🔹 Angelic Descent – another passive skill of Angela’s that allows her to glide by holding the jump button, slowly descending to the ground. Use this when playing in tandem with Pharah!
🔹 Resurrect – one of Mercy’s key skills. Within a 5-meter range, she can revive a fallen ally with 100% HP, after which she becomes invulnerable for 2.25 seconds. This is a critical ability that requires precise timing and use. Players must also decide carefully when and whom to resurrect, even though it’s not always easy in the heat of battle.
🔹 Guardian Angel – when within 30 meters of a teammate, Mercy can dash to an ally or their body. This ability can and should be used for a quick retreat or just to switch your healing target. Regular use of Guardian Angel is the key to survival and effective gameplay.
🔹 Valkyrie – Angela’s ultimate ability enhances all her stats and skills. This is an important aspect to always keep in mind. When using the ult, the player increases healing, flight speed, damage, and other characteristics. The skill shines best in moments of intense battles.
Weapons and stats
Mercy’s arsenal includes two items — the Caduceus Staff and a blaster. While the staff is used to heal and boost allies, the blaster is intended solely for self-defense.
Caduceus Staff
The primary mode of the staff directs a targeted beam at an ally, restoring their health by 55 points per second (increased to 60 under the effect of Valkyrie) and works within a 15-meter range. This is the mode you’ll be using most frequently to support your team and build up your ultimate.
The staff’s alternative mode increases the damage dealt by allies by 25%. This mode is useful when a team member activates their ultimate or is under Ana's Nano Boost. Don’t overlook this feature — sometimes it’s better to let the team finish off an enemy rather than heal the last 10% of a tank's missing HP!
When the ultimate ability is activated, the Caduceus allows you to heal all allies within a 10-meter radius of the selected target. Considering that the healing numbers increase, this is very useful in team fights in tight spaces or when the player needs to regroup.
Caduceus Blaster
Mercy’s secondary weapon is a small pistol that deals 20 damage per shot. The projectiles travel at a speed of 50 meters per second, and reloading takes 1.4 seconds. It’s not the most powerful weapon, but it can even save your life in a critical moment!
Under the effect of Valkyrie, the Caduceus Blaster becomes a real threat. The weapon gains infinite ammo, and the projectile speed increases significantly. As a result, under Valkyrie, Mercy turns into a small flying turret. However, this doesn’t mean that upon activating the ultimate, you should focus on causing chaos and destruction. Your primary goal remains saving lives!
Behavior and strategies
Mercy is an exclusively team-oriented character. If you choose her as your main hero, be prepared to stay close to your allies, no matter how they play. This brings both an advantage and a disadvantage. The player will often depend on the actions of their teammates and hope that they can win the fight under the protection of Mercy’s healing.
However, playing Angela effectively is just as important as being able to land shots as Widowmaker or timing D.Va’s ultimate perfectly. The player is responsible not just for keeping allies’ health bars full, but sometimes for the outcome of the entire match!
Key skills that a good Mercy should possess include:
🔸 Regular use of Guardian Angel: This is not only your escape mechanism but also your way of controlling the team’s positioning. The player must always know where their allies are, determine who needs help first, and have escape routes ready if focused by enemies.
🔸 Timing Resurrect: A timely resurrected ally can change the outcome of a battle. This could be a tank, another healer, or a damage dealer with a charged ultimate. Don’t waste this ability — evaluate the situation and time it well.
🔸 Positioning in team fights: This is not as easy as it might seem. In the chaos of battle, it’s not always possible to stay at a distance and support the team. But the player should not rush into the thick of the fight only to die while trying to heal a tank for a measly 40 HP. At the same time, don’t hide around a corner to protect your own life while your teammates are being wiped out. Find the golden middle ground!
Mastering the skill of proper ability use, clear analysis of team dynamics, and maintaining control even in the craziest fights will make you an invaluable team member. If you look at the pro scene, you’ll notice that Mercy players literally flutter from ally to ally, often deciding the outcome of the match.
Who to favor and who to avoid?
For this character, there aren’t any specific counter-picks since she focuses on supporting her allies. However, there are some characters with whom you’ll feel more comfortable and a few enemies you should definitely steer clear of.
Among your teammates, keep an eye on Ashe, Soldier: 76, Widowmaker, and Pharah. By boosting the damage of these characters, you can help them have a greater impact. The Mercy + Pharah combo in the air, especially if you’re communicating with a friend via Discord, remains one of the strongest in the game.
You should be wary of assassins who can quickly reach you by cutting through your allies. This includes Reaper, Tracer, and Genji. They can easily infiltrate your backline during the positioning phase or target you in the heat of a team fight. Unfortunately, your only escape from them is to fly to a teammate, hoping for protection. Don’t forget about the Caduceus Blaster — it might come in handy if your opponent isn’t the best shot.
Fun facts and references
To conclude, here are some fun facts about the character. While you can learn more about Mercy’s lore on the official website, few people know that she is Elon Musk’s favorite character in the game. Her Caduceus Staff is a reference to the caduceus, the staff of Mercury, widely recognized as a symbol of medicine.
Additionally, the "Valkyrie" and "Sigurún" skins reference the daughters of Odin from Norse mythology, who escort the souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla. It’s ironic, given that Angela fights to save lives rather than guiding them to a Viking paradise. But the designers and artists at Blizzard must have had their reasons.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that Mercy has been beloved by fans not only as the main support character since the first game but also as a character "outside of her costume". Her popularity in this regard rivals that of D.Va.
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