Terminé 19 juin 03:38
3 heures 40 minutes
GRIN impair: 1.35
Probabilité de gagner selon les bookmakers
NT impair: 3.06

Statistiques du match

team icon
Carte 1
60 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

GRIN logo

GRIN Esports


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Pangolier icon 27
15 7 18 2.14 29255 61386 294 / 7 / 175 810.9 / 656.2
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Overwhelming Blink icon
dota Diffusal Blade icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Bloodseeker icon 28
Ahmad Al Bahra
12 9 19 1.33 32364 61335 214 / 8 / 15 856.1 / 655.9
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Nullifier icon
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Refresher Orb icon
dota Butterfly icon
dota Gleipnir icon
dota Beastmaster icon 26
10 9 31 1.11 29863 25316 195 / 7 / 113 712.5 / 547.3
dota Helm of the Overlord icon
dota Crimson Guard icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Pipe of Insight icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Techies icon 23
slappy shores survivor
slappy shores survivor
9 10 28 0.9 19446 17309 82 / 3 / 70 517 / 421.8
dota Guardian Greaves icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Pavise icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Lich icon 24
Salivating Salamander 37
James Forman
4 7 29 0.57 14361 19447 21 / 2 / 15 544.9 / 339.3
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Boots of Bearing icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
NT logo

Nexus Titans


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Broodmother icon 30
Blessed kid
Blessed kid
20 11 13 1.82 42952 47870 453 / 9 / 259 1129.8 / 849
dota Nullifier icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Harpoon icon
dota Disperser icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Storm Spirit icon 29
Shvetcov Semen
12 6 30 2 34897 52775 445 / 4 / 293 941.4 / 724.8
dota Revenant's Brooch icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Shiva's Guard icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Mars icon 27
Lukas Jurisca
4 9 30 0.44 27578 24415 356 / 18 / 289 764.4 / 569.1
dota Overwhelming Blink icon
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Refresher Orb icon
dota Platemail icon
dota Pugna icon 24
Jacob Hamrick
3 11 29 0.27 18580 12005 95 / 4 / 91 529 / 382
dota Vitality Booster icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
dota Recipe: Aeon Disk icon
dota Recipe: Boots of Travel icon
dota Disruptor icon 23
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
3 14 22 0.21 13515 10577 28 / 0 / 24 495.8 / 312.1
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Aeon Disk icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon

Choix et bannissements

team icon
Carte 2
48 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

GRIN logo

GRIN Esports


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Terrorblade icon 25
Ahmad Al Bahra
16 4 10 4 41111 28539 375 / 7 / 206 796 / 889.2
dota Satanic icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Aegis of the Immortal icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Daedalus icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Dragon Lance icon
dota Puck icon 28
12 2 26 6 34197 46182 248 / 8 / 141 1075 / 731.2
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Daedalus icon
dota Overwhelming Blink icon
dota Witch Blade icon
dota Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Timbersaw icon 25
11 7 18 1.57 24934 26389 111 / 3 / 8 799.4 / 566
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Lotus Orb icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Heaven's Halberd icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Kaya icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Hoodwink icon 22
slappy shores survivor
slappy shores survivor
3 8 20 0.38 17106 16095 41 / 0 / 19 553.9 / 393.4
dota Force Staff icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Aeon Disk icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Batrider icon 22
Salivating Salamander 37
James Forman
0 13 29 0 13693 11397 51 / 2 / 32 576.6 / 373.8
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Boots of Bearing icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Magic Wand icon
NT logo

Nexus Titans


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Broodmother icon 25
Blessed kid
Blessed kid
10 8 6 1.25 28462 21453 262 / 13 / 87 791 / 659.6
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Harpoon icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Storm Spirit icon 25
Shvetcov Semen
9 10 12 0.9 24333 30211 187 / 7 / 29 773.6 / 575.7
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Orchid Malevolence icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Kaya icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Techies icon 20
Jacob Hamrick
8 9 16 0.89 18803 29600 90 / 0 / 30 484.3 / 418.9
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Ninja Gear icon
dota Brewmaster icon 23
Lukas Jurisca
5 5 15 1 21793 8918 231 / 17 / 184 630 / 499.6
dota Pipe of Insight icon
dota Spirit Vessel icon
dota Lotus Orb icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Shadow Demon icon 16
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
2 11 14 0.18 10563 10106 52 / 1 / 38 319.8 / 297.2
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Timeless Relic icon

Choix et bannissements

team icon
Carte 3
31 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

GRIN logo

GRIN Esports


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Terrorblade icon 18
Ahmad Al Bahra
8 4 6 2 18265 10740 192 / 9 / 84 583.3 / 656.9
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Dragon Lance icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Timbersaw icon 18
6 8 4 0.75 12566 19890 124 / 5 / 37 602.7 / 503.1
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Lotus Orb icon
dota Soul Ring icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Vitality Booster icon
dota Clarity icon
dota Hoodwink icon 15
slappy shores survivor
slappy shores survivor
5 4 11 1.25 8535 13723 30 / 1 / 17 418 / 299.9
dota Force Staff icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Blight Stone icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Sentry Ward icon
dota Batrider icon 14
Salivating Salamander 37
James Forman
3 8 10 0.38 6395 11819 32 / 2 / 27 362.3 / 304.4
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Spirit Breaker icon 17
3 5 14 0.6 12360 18520 117 / 6 / 92 526.3 / 433
dota Void Stone icon
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Shadow Blade icon
dota Bracer icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Wind Lace icon
NT logo

Nexus Titans


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Broodmother icon 22
Blessed kid
Blessed kid
9 3 12 3 24651 19588 152 / 11 / 22 881.9 / 802.2
dota Nullifier icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Harpoon icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Bracer icon
dota Yasha icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Soul Ring icon
dota Zeus icon 19
Shvetcov Semen
7 6 13 1.17 17551 29390 121 / 10 / 64 670.9 / 600.9
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Phylactery icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Techies icon 17
Jacob Hamrick
7 6 18 1.17 11777 16555 55 / 1 / 44 520 / 453.4
dota Circlet icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Enchanted Mango icon
dota Trusty Shovel icon
dota Kunkka icon 18
Lukas Jurisca
3 5 15 0.6 15915 9577 115 / 11 / 80 592 / 525.5
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Crimson Guard icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Bracer icon
dota Healing Lotus icon
dota Venomancer icon 17
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
2 6 18 0.33 10947 19139 58 / 0 / 27 545.3 / 456.9
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Spirit Vessel icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Boots of Speed icon

Choix et bannissements

Comparaison des équipes

Compétence GRIN
Compétence NT
ENSI.Rank ?
ENSI.Score ?
Streak ?
Winrate 10 ?
Winrate 30 ?
Forme actuelle ?

Rencontres précédentes

Victoires de GRIN: 0
Tirages: 0
Victoires de NT: 1

Toutes les rencontres GRIN et NT (1)

Rencontres avec des adversaires communs (60 Jours)

Les équipes n'avaient pas d'adversaires communs

Performances récentes des équipes

Victoires de GRIN: 2
Victoires de NT: 1

Actualités des équipes

Pas encore de messages 😥

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