Terminé 27 juin 00:01
3 heures 1 minute
NT impair: -
Probabilité de gagner selon les bookmakers
AG impair: -

Records de match

[ES] DPC 2023 NA Summer Tour Division 2 - Bo3 -Nexus Titans vs American Goons [14:00 GMT-5]
BTSBrasilTV Vods
[PT-BR] American Goons vs Nexus Titans - CPD NA VERÃO - Jogo 2
BTSBrasilTV Vods
[PT-BR] American Goons vs Nexus Titans - CPD NA VERÃO - Jogo 3

Statistiques du match

team icon
Carte 1
50 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

NT logo

Nexus Titans


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Timbersaw icon 29
Lukas Jurisca
14 4 11 3.5 38805 34972 277 / 5 / 128 1161.6 / 752
dota Heart of Tarrasque icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Cheese icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Healing Lotus icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Faceless Void icon 28
Blessed kid
Blessed kid
8 5 24 1.6 36290 33253 232 / 14 / 31 1058 / 753.1
dota Mjollnir icon
dota Diffusal Blade icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Butterfly icon
dota Satanic icon
dota Sange and Yasha icon
dota Puck icon 26
Shvetcov Semen
5 7 18 0.71 26947 27643 264 / 9 / 164 855.8 / 591
dota Witch Blade icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Linken's Sphere icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Pugna icon 22
Jacob Hamrick
4 10 24 0.4 16382 9825 39 / 1 / 18 551.9 / 355
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Heaven's Halberd icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Philosopher's Stone icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Shadow Demon icon 21
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
4 15 18 0.27 15130 11083 50 / 1 / 31 503.3 / 382.1
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Aeon Disk icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
AG logo

American goons


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Rubick icon 23
Sahil Bhawtankar
11 7 15 1.57 17975 23157 103 / 4 / 46 577.9 / 418
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Boots of Travel icon
dota Observer Ward icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Clarity icon
dota Sentry Ward icon
dota Mars icon 24
Nick Hartzler
9 7 13 1.29 18766 26559 184 / 19 / 123 636.9 / 463.1
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Soul Ring icon
dota Storm Spirit icon 23
Jose Esau Perez Coronel
8 7 18 1.14 18852 27039 119 / 9 / 9 618.6 / 473.8
dota Bottle icon
dota Scythe of Vyse icon
dota Witch Blade icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Falcon Blade icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Undying icon 19
Andrew Evelyn
6 10 22 0.6 10718 7078 30 / 5 / 20 399.6 / 302.1
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Force Staff icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Great Healing Lotus icon
dota Enchanted Mango icon
dota Medusa icon 26
Noah Minhas
6 4 20 1.5 31729 68272 446 / 7 / 296 846.9 / 781.6
dota Swift Blink icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Daedalus icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Mjollnir icon
dota Power Treads icon

Choix et bannissements

team icon
Carte 2
32 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

NT logo

Nexus Titans


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Terrorblade icon 18
Blessed kid
Blessed kid
4 7 1 0.57 18802 3251 158 / 19 / 33 564.3 / 623.4
dota Manta Style icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Hand of Midas icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Dragon Lance icon
dota Wraith Band icon
dota Void Spirit icon 15
Lukas Jurisca
4 6 4 0.67 11165 11513 126 / 11 / 103 410.2 / 397.1
dota Power Treads icon
dota Bracer icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Helm of Iron Will icon
dota Echo Sabre icon
dota Puck icon 15
Shvetcov Semen
2 8 3 0.25 11881 14029 161 / 3 / 142 431.9 / 414.7
dota Null Talisman icon
dota Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Witch Blade icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Great Healing Lotus icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Techies icon 13
Jacob Hamrick
0 8 5 0 7600 7989 70 / 5 / 63 320.7 / 270.3
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Blood Grenade icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Fluffy Hat icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Staff of Wizardry icon
dota Shadow Demon icon 10
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
0 14 6 0 5331 8495 30 / 0 / 29 212 / 252
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Healing Salve icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Sage's Mask icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
AG logo

American goons


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Pangolier icon 19
Jose Esau Perez Coronel
16 1 10 16 18851 22497 117 / 7 / 58 656.4 / 606.1
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Orb Of Corrosion icon
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Diffusal Blade icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Energy Booster icon
dota Visage icon 18
Nick Hartzler
11 1 19 11 18702 13574 87 / 12 / 6 594.7 / 570.4
dota Cheese icon
dota Phylactery icon
dota Boots of Bearing icon
dota Assault Cuirass icon
dota Solar Crest icon
dota Gem of True Sight icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Spirit Breaker icon 17
Sahil Bhawtankar
6 5 21 1.2 10470 13178 22 / 1 / 5 517 / 369.9
dota Void Stone icon
dota Wind Lace icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Void Stone icon
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Shadow Blade icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Naga Siren icon 18
Noah Minhas
5 0 12 28900 6076 315 / 1 / 138 587.4 / 892.6
dota Orchid Malevolence icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Butterfly icon
dota Heart of Tarrasque icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Aegis of the Immortal icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Wind Lace icon
dota Pugna icon 18
Andrew Evelyn
4 3 16 1.33 9981 7359 37 / 2 / 14 554.7 / 364.7
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Pipe of Insight icon
dota Sentry Ward icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Aether Lens icon
dota Boots of Speed icon

Choix et bannissements

team icon
Carte 3
30 minutes
team icon
Statistiques du tour

Statistiques et builds des joueurs

NT logo

Nexus Titans


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Pangolier icon 16
Shvetcov Semen
5 8 5 0.63 11741 12183 112 / 6 / 49 518.5 / 440.2
dota Orb Of Corrosion icon
dota Diffusal Blade icon
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Arcane Boots icon
dota Bottle icon
dota Faceless Void icon 17
Blessed kid
Blessed kid
5 6 3 0.83 15504 9046 143 / 12 / 63 574.9 / 563.3
dota Hand of Midas icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Mjollnir icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Ogre Club icon
dota Sange and Yasha icon
dota Circlet icon
dota Techies icon 11
Jacob Hamrick
4 14 6 0.29 5562 8580 22 / 2 / 20 271.7 / 268.3
dota Aghanim's Scepter icon
dota Dust of Appearance icon
dota Enchanted Mango icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Healing Salve icon
dota Trusty Shovel icon
dota Bloodseeker icon 16
Lukas Jurisca
1 9 5 0.11 11235 7887 127 / 14 / 76 492.7 / 418.9
dota Phase Boots icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Black King Bar icon
dota Wraith Band icon
dota Maelstrom icon
dota Enchantress icon 13
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
Nature Lover ♥ *LFT*
1 9 10 0.11 5551 11075 14 / 0 / 0 337.3 / 253.8
dota Power Treads icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Blight Stone icon
dota Dragon Lance icon
dota Fluffy Hat icon
dota Enchanted Mango icon
AG logo

American goons


Joueur K D A K/D Net Worth Dommage Statistiques de fluage EPM / GMP Construire BP
dota Medusa icon 21
Noah Minhas
14 1 12 14 25550 22189 230 / 6 / 114 852.5 / 850.1
dota Power Treads icon
dota Ring of Basilius icon
dota Butterfly icon
dota Manta Style icon
dota Daedalus icon
dota Eye of Skadi icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Iron Branch icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Timbersaw icon 20
Nick Hartzler
10 2 7 5 17855 20178 134 / 7 / 66 725.2 / 620.7
dota Ogre Club icon
dota Lotus Orb icon
dota Soul Ring icon
dota Boots of Speed icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Octarine Core icon
dota Storm Spirit icon 21
Jose Esau Perez Coronel
9 2 24 4.5 15708 26489 83 / 5 / 30 834.9 / 554.2
dota Bottle icon
dota Falcon Blade icon
dota Witch Blade icon
dota Power Treads icon
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Kaya and Sange icon
dota Lion icon 18
Sahil Bhawtankar
8 7 15 1.14 9047 10364 27 / 2 / 18 617.9 / 383.4
dota Blink Dagger icon
dota Vitality Booster icon
dota Tranquil Boots icon
dota Wind Lace icon
dota Glimmer Cape icon
dota Fluffy Hat icon
dota Energy Booster icon
dota Mirana icon 17
Andrew Evelyn
4 4 29 1 8656 11894 23 / 2 / 9 546.3 / 371.1
dota Magic Wand icon
dota Point Booster icon
dota Smoke of Deceit icon
dota Fluffy Hat icon
dota Observer and Sentry Wards icon
dota Guardian Greaves icon

Choix et bannissements

Comparaison des équipes

Compétence NT
Compétence AG
ENSI.Rank ?
ENSI.Score ?
Streak ?
Winrate 10 ?
Winrate 30 ?
Forme actuelle ?

Rencontres précédentes

Victoires de NT: 0
Tirages: 0
Victoires de AG: 1

Toutes les rencontres NT et AG (1)

Rencontres avec des adversaires communs (60 Jours)

Les équipes n'avaient pas d'adversaires communs

Performances récentes des équipes

Victoires de NT: 1
Victoires de AG: 3

Actualités des équipes

Pas encore de messages 😥

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