The film industry was devastated by the death of director David Lynch on January 16, 2025. Lynch directed numerous classic films, including Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, and Highway to Nowhere.

The family of the director commented on the incident on social networks.

- With deep regret we report the passing of the man and artist David Lynch. We would have appreciated privacy at this time. There was a big hole in the world when he was gone from us. But as he would say: “Watch the doughnut, not the hole,” the director's loved ones wrote.

Lynch left his mark not only in the movie industry, but also in the gaming industry. In 2000, he teamed up with Sony to create a commercial for their new console, the PlayStation 2. The campaign was called “The Third Place,” and it aimed to showcase the immersive gaming experience. The PlayStation Australia account shared the video to honor the master: “Rest in peace, David Lynch. Here's that iconic PS2 video he made 25 years ago.”

The “Welcome To The Third Place” video was shot in black and white with a frightening soundtrack and bizarre, surreal scenes that fully reflected the director's unique style. It confused gamers back then in 2000, but today it is considered a true classic and a symbol of Sony's creative approach to advertising.

After Lynch's death, the commercial regained popularity, reminding viewers of his ability to create mysterious and unforgettable worlds. 

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