In League of Legends, there are five positions that players can take on the map, one of which is the attack-damage carry (ADC). This is an extremely important role because without the ADC's immense damage, it becomes very difficult for a player to defeat the opposing team. Sometimes the jungler can deal similar damage, but this only applies to certain champions. Meanwhile, all ADC champions on the bot lane specialize in the same thing.
Here, weâll discuss what is important to know when playing this position and which champions are suitable for learning.
How to play ADC in LoL?
The essence of the position is that, like everyone else, players need to level up and earn items as quickly as possible. However, on side, you have a support that allows you to be protected from opponents. Since most ADCs are very fragile, they need a nurturing environment to grow in strength. These conditions are created by support champions.
Although the ADC in League of Legends can often single-handedly kill almost the entire enemy team, they need to be able to work closely with their allies. Without this, the player will be an easy target for any opponent.
There are a few key things that a player should understand for successful gameplay in this position.
While on the lane, it is important to always remember kiting. Keep moving constantly, be unpredictable for the enemy so that their attacks cannot hit the target accurately. Successful kiting will waste the opponent's mana, cause them to spend time on useless actions instead of farming, and may even cause them to come under supportâs attack.
Farming and wave management
A player needs to understand how much damage their attacks deal to finish off minions at the right time. Farm as much as possible, especially in the early stages. If you get ahead of the enemy by even one level or buy good items in the first few minutes, your chances of securing a kill increase significantly.
There are several types of wave management. If the player quickly kills minions, the team members will reach the enemy tower faster. If gamers only finish them off, the wave slows down, maintaining a balance of power on both sides. Slowing down can lead to your minion waves combining into one large wave. Such an army is much more effective at destroying towers.
Map awareness and the jungler
You don't need to attack minions until their health is low enough to finish them off: otherwise, aggression will push you towards the enemy tower. Itâs better not to push the lane in the early stages, as this will make it easier for the enemy to farm and attack you. Moreover, in such a situation, the enemy jungler can easily jump on you! Escaping from the enemy when far from your tower is almost impossible.
To avoid unexpected attacks from the jungle, the player should ensure vision there and in the river. This is the support's responsibility. However, if they are out of wards, the player should place them themselves. Also, place a ward in the dragon's pit if the jungler asks you to, and come to their aid if needed.
Even when ward coverage is secured, the player will still be vulnerable if they do not frequently check the mini-map. Keep an eye on the movements of the enemy jungler and mid laner to either retreat to safety or steal the dragon from them in time.
Staying behind to come out on top
Know attack range (the user can press the A key for this) and stay behind teammates. It is critically important for an ADC to avoid enemy abilities while actively attacking opponents from the edge of range. If you position yourself correctly within the team's ranks, youâll stay alive while all the enemies are defeated.
Choosing the right support
Different ADCs benefit from different supports. Some ADCs prioritize continuous healing, while others find it more important that enemies are stunned or slowed at the right moment. The abilities of certain champions synergize well, and players should take advantage of this.
Champions for learning the ADC role
We recommend starting with champions like Miss Fortune + Jinx. They have simple and effective abilities that allow you to deal massive damage relatively easily with standard builds.
Miss Fortune's abilities encourage constant target switching, movement, and using her R ability only from a safe distance. During her ultimate, she cannot move until it ends in one way or another, so itâs best to use it while standing behind allies or to finish off enemies that definitely wonât have time to attack her.
Jinx teaches players to keep their distance from enemies. Her ultimate deals more damage if it hits an opponent from a long range. She also has traps in her arsenal that allow her to catch enemies and attack from a distance or escape while they are immobilized.
For more advanced ADCs, I suggest Ziggs + Xayah. Unlike the previous champions who deal high damage with auto attacks, these heroes rely more on ability damage. They are harder to master, but the payoff is worth it.
If you prefer being a sniper, Caitlyn is an excellent choice. For those who want to fire rapidly from medium range, Ashe + Ezreal are worth trying.
There are many ADCs in LoL, each with their own strengths. Some can become invisible, others boast enormous attack range, slow down enemies, or have other unique features, but they all share the ability to crush even the toughest champions. Choose the one you like most and head out to conquer Summoner's Rift!
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