Both beginners and experienced players are often curious about which heroes are most effective at the moment in LoL. To decide which character a user should play, it's important to consider the position where the potential is best realized. For example, a very strong jungle might be the worst option for the top lane.
If there is already a decision to play on the middle line, then the gamer needs to find champions for the position. For this, you can check out our League of Legends mid tier list!
What are the best champions for the middle lane?
First and foremost, it should be understood that every hero is strong in the hands of a professional. When distributing warriors in the tier list, we’ll guide our choices by their win rate in Emerald, as well as considering how often they appear as counter picks in matches.
Why specifically Emerald? If we consider statistics from all ranks, it results in an average that doesn’t quite reflect reality. Focusing on lower ranks, a serious factor becomes the skill required to play complex characters, due to which an objectively strong fighter might end up in the D tier, misleading many.
From the factors listed above, it follows that Emerald reflects a certain average level, where players can already realize the potential of complex champions, without necessarily having the skills of professional esports athletes. This characteristic is suitable for most users.
D tier characters
Image: Ensigame
- Heroes: LeBlanc, Yasuo, Malphite, Yone, Lissandra, Malzahar, Corki, Azir, Smolder
The representatives of the D tier are fighters that, in principle, can be played on the mid lane, but if you win, your team will be quite surprised.
The brothers Yasuo and Yone were once fearsome opponents. At the moment, they have both fallen out of the meta, like stones that have tumbled from a mountain to base.
The rest of the heroes are largely intended for other lanes. The most popular champions for the line are their counter picks, so there is a significant risk of encountering them in almost every match.
C tier characters
Image: Ensigame
- Heroes: Zed, Hwei, Irelia, Fizz, Orianna, Karma, Lucian
Fighters here can be strong in reliable hands, but this requires a very good build and an understanding of the deep aspects of the game. Lucian + Karma have had very low win rates on this line recently. The situation is better for others, but there are nuances.
For example, even if you want to play Hwei or Zed, these heroes are likely to be unavailable for selection due to their ban rates of 16.6% and 21.2% respectively. It seems that the player sentiment persists due to memories of their strength in past patches.
Regarding Orianna + Fizz, their counter picks literally make up the top echelons of the tier list. It's difficult to compete with opponents who each time have the full arsenal aimed against the champion.
B tier characters
Image: Ensigame
- Heroes: Vel'Koz, Ryze, Ziggs, Syndra, Vladimir, Viktor, Jayce, Pantheon, Zoe
We've reached the midpoint. The heroes here can be quite strong, but not too frequently. Their win rate is average or slightly below. Typically, these characters are rarely banned. If you like the fighter's appearance, lore, or something else and they are in B tier, then a player can easily enjoy playing with the chosen warrior, unlike in C/D, where a gamer should think twice, or even three times.
We recommend taking a closer look at Ryze. He is a relatively simple champion who can help the team in many cases. If there is a craving for difficulties, Vladimir could be an interesting option.
If you want to play a champion that you can pick almost always, then Vel'Koz is the one. His ban rate is just 0.3%, pick rate is 1%. Surprisingly, Ziggs surpasses him in these parameters with a 0.2% ban, 0.6% pick.
A tier characters
Image: Ensigame
- Heroes: Gragas, Swain, Kayle, Twitch, Annie, Galio, Naafiri, Garen, Rumble, Talon, Veigar, Lux, Qiyana, Xerath, Diana, Neeko, Ekko, Vex, Tristana
Starting from A tier, heroes often have an advantage over opponents, as indicated by their win rates. For instance, Gragas has 53.37%! Unlike S and S+ representatives, the win rates of these characters are based on half as many matches. This means they are good, but it's not certain if this is just the result of a small sample size.
There are many heroes here, but particularly outstanding are Naafiri, Annie, Galio. They have the best ratio of win rate to the number of matches played in A tier.
S tier characters
Image: Ensigame
- Heroes: Brand, Anivia, Cassiopeia, Taliyah, Twisted Fate
S heroes are extremely strong in most situations. However, many of them depend heavily on the player's skill. This is precisely the situation where a newcomer may not understand how to play the character correctly for several matches. Experienced users can easily defeat the entire enemy team in each battle.
Anivia possesses powerful abilities that can determine the outcome of massive battles. However, her slowness, especially at the beginning, may be inconvenient for beginners. To finish creatures off with auto-attacks, one must possess the art of anticipation. Moreover, her initial mana pool is extremely inadequate for her abilities. Remember, this is an S warrior with a 53.26% win rate.
Brand has the highest win rate among all the heroes in the tier list — 53.40%. He has been among the best characters in LoL for a long time, and not just on the mid lane. By the way, if you liked our topic, you can read our article on the champions tier list.
S+ tier characters
Image: Ensigame
- Heroes: Akshan, Kassadin, Sylas, Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Akali, Katarina
These heroes are the strongest in the mid lane at the moment. Because of this, they are very popular, leading to high pick rates, ban.
Ahri has a win rate of 51.01% from a sample of over forty-three thousand matches. This definitely indicates that the balance allows playing the hero without fearing too strong counter picks. Even when playing against such a champion in the lane, you won't feel powerless.
Image: Ensigame
Regarding Kassadin, it should be noted that in the right hands, he is one of the strongest fighters in all of LoL, but learning to play this warrior is extremely difficult. Such a vast difference between the gameplay of a novice and a professional is unmatched by any other.
On the mid lane, there is a wide variety of champions to choose from. Some of them require less effort to learn, while others require more, but usually, the latter belong to the S, S+ tiers.
Most characters end up in A tier, so the gamer has the opportunity to choose several good heroes as backups, in case all the top favorites are already picked or banned.
Main image by Ensigame