The Fate universe is one of the pillars of anime culture in Japan. The mobile game Fate/Grand Order has generated over seven billion dollars for its creators, and the anime adaptation introduced many fans to the franchise who weren't aware of the original visual novel.

For a long time, the original source material was not easily accessible to Western players. To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the original visual novel's release, Type-Moon has decided to give fans a gift. A remaster of Fate/Stay Night appeared on Steam and Nintendo Switch.

This is a lengthy visual novel, taking over 50 hours to complete. It consists of three major routes, each featuring its own main heroine. After all these routes are complete, you'll be able to reach the "True ending". 

Unfortunately, the game was launched with a significant number of bugs.

Hopefully, the developers will release a patch with fixes soon. Nonetheless, it’s exciting to see one of the most influential visual novels in the history of the genre finally available on Steam.

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