Want to play as a sorcerer in Baldur’s Gate 3 but not sure how to create and improve your character? Can't decide which of the three magic classes to choose? What abilities, skills, and spells should you pick for maximum sorcerer effectiveness? Want to grasp how to use unique spells and which sorcerer levels are the best?
If all the answers are "yes", you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the sorcerer class. We'll explore the pros and cons, recommended races, subclasses, background, and offer advice on spell and weapon selection. Read the guide to finally understand who to play as: sorcerer or wizard.
Sorcerer class overview
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Sorcerer — they're the ones who inherit magic, not an apartment and a million dollars. Spells are their everyday thing. Sorcerers don't sell their soul to the devil for these powers, unlike other warlocks in the game. Yeah, Wyll, we're looking at you.
If you love magic, spells, and playing from a distance, go to the character maker and choose the sorcerer class. We're going to learn how to cast spells and control the elements now.
The main thing that sets sorcerers apart from other wizards in the game is their mastery of metamagic. This ability enhances spells using extra spell slots. For example, arrows travel farther, the blast radius of fireballs increases, and invisibility or levitation lasts longer. It's a great ability that makes any battle easier for your sorcerer.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Sorcerer is a flexible and adaptable class in the game. Unlike other magic classes, they have access to any spells. Thanks to their Metamagic ability, you can adapt any spell to fit your character and companions. This enhancement comes at a cost, using up spell slots, so plan your moves ahead to avoid running out of mana in the heat of battle.
Image credit: Larian Studios
Sorcerers have three subclasses: Wild Magic, Draconic Bloodline, and Storm Sorcery. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at each, but a bit later. Each subclass grants your spellcaster unique abilities and spells.
In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the sorcerer class in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Sorcerer class playstyle
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To make your sorcerer unbeatable on the battlefield, you need to know how to distribute ability points correctly. In our guide, we'll explain this aspect of gameplay in detail.
For a sorcerer, it's most important to level up their Charisma because the accuracy and power of spells depend on this stat. Try to level it up to at least 16 and increase it as you play.
Additionally, another crucial stat is the Constitution. By default, sorcerers have low health, and this stat will help make up for that deficiency. The higher your Constitution score, the better your survivability on the battlefield.
As a bonus, invest in Dexterity; it's never a waste! Getting it to just above level 10 will grant you bonuses to your armor class since the character can't wear medium or heavy armor.
Sorcerer class features
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This character's magic is truly amazing because its power depends on the hero's Charisma! It means you can avoid battles by using the sorcerer's most powerful spell – Eloquence. With BG3's variability, this is definitely possible.
Key attributes: Charisma. Influences spell accuracy and power.
Saving throws: Charisma and Constitution.
Skills with proficiency: Arcana, Insight, Perception, Persuasion.
Armor: Light armor.
Weapons: Daggers, staffs, light crossbows, long and short swords, long and short bows.
Health: 1d6.
These characters are truly dangerous, and their power is so great that they gain Metamagic abilities as early as level 2. This feature breaks the game's rules and completely alters the conditions and behavior of some spells. We discussed usage options earlier in this guide.
Image credit: Larian Studios
The potency of this magic increases with your caster's level. The higher your character's level, the higher the level of enhancement from Metamagic. Metamagic points are replenished after each long rest.
During the game, a sorcerer will acquire 4 Metamagic options. 2 are unlocked at hero level 2, 3 at level 3, and the final Metamagic option can be learned at level 10.
Sorcerer class progression
Image credit: Larian Studios
Sorcerer is a magic class with a unique ability to wield and adapt magic. They can learn more spells simultaneously compared to other magic classes in the game.
Sorcerers don't need to prepare spells before battle. Instead, they use spell slots and their abilities. As they level up, sorcerers gain access to a power called Metamagic, which lets them spend extra spell slots to enhance spells in various ways.
Here's what you get at each level.
Level 1
At level 1, choose a subclass, which determines your future enhancements and spells. More details about subclasses can be found in the guide.
- Cantrips: Choose 4 cantrips of different types and elements.
- Spells Known: The spells you know at level 1 match your character's level and strength.
- Level 1 Spell Slots
Level 2
At level 2, you gain your first Metamagic ability. Choose 2 out of 4 options.
- Metamagic: Choose from 4 directions: Careful Spell, Distant Spell, Extended Spell, or Twinned Spell.
- Sorcery Points: You need these for Metamagic.
- Ability Score Improvement.
Level 3
At level 3, you unlock 2nd-level spells and another choice for Metamagic.
- Sorcery Points: Now you have 3 of them.
- Level 1 Spell Slots.
- Level 2 Spell Slots.
- Metamagic: Once again, you get to choose an enhancement.
This time, pick 1 out of 3 options. If you want an advantage on saving throws, go for Heightened Spell. If you want to turn a spell into a bonus action, go for Quickened Spell. Subtle Spell grants you invincibility when your character is silenced, allowing you to cast spells, which can be quite powerful, especially in later stages of the game when enemies apply silence regularly.
Level 4
- Sorcery Points: 4.
- Level 2 Spell Slots.
- Feat. You need to choose 1 new skill that will strengthen the hero.
Level 5
At level 5, you gain access to 3rd-level spells, which means you can now engage in serious battles.
- Sorcery Points: 5.
- Level 3 Spell Slots.
- Ability Score Improvement.
Level 6
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- Sorcery Points: 6.
- Level 3 Spell Slots
- Subclass Features: These depend on the type of magic you've chosen.
Level 7
At level 7, you'll unlock 4th-level spells.
- Sorcery Points: 7.
- Level 4 Spell Slots.
Level 8
- Sorcery Points: 8.
- Level 4 Spell Slots.
- Feat.
Level 9
The Sorcerer unlocks 5 spell slots and remains at level 1 to the max.
- Proficiency Bonus: +4.
- Sorcery Points: 9.
- Level 4 Spell Slots Unlocked: 1.
- Level 5 Spell Slots Unlocked: 1.
Level 10
You must make your choice for metamagic again. This is your last chance, so choose wisely.
- Sorcery Points: 10
- Метамагия.
- Level 5 Spell Slots
- Ability Score Improvement
Level 11
Congratulations, you've reached the most powerful 6th-level spells!
- Sorcerous Origin Feature
- Sorcery Points: 11
- Level 6 Spell Slots.
- Subclass Features. Depending on your class, here's a nice spoiler: Draconic Bloodline can fly.
Level 12
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Maximum level and the opportunity to choose one more ability. Make your decision carefully, as this is the last level of advancement, and character progress cannot be reversed, unless you have a backup save.
- Sorcery Points: 12
- Feat.
BG3 Sorcerer subclasses
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Wild Magic
You feel an uncontrollable power surging inside, ready to burst out at any moment. Whether to succumb to the desire or attempt to control this power is a decision the Wild Magic subclass must make. It's the most unpredictable of the three options. It possesses the ability Tides of Chaos, which increases your chances of success in saving throws, spell accuracy, and ability checks.
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Due to the unique nature of Wild Magic, after casting each spell, you'll trigger a random magical effect that can either aid you in combat or worsen your situation.
The Wild Magic subclass can be an interesting choice for those looking for more randomness and unusual events in the game.
Draconic Bloodline
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The character of this subclass has scales on their face. They are the most resilient class of the three options. They add a bonus to defense and increase the character's hit points.
You also gain additional abilities related to dragons, such as dragon breath and elemental resistance, as well as the ability to fly.
Storm Sorcery
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The Storm Sorcery subclass is the most mobile of the three options. The character's turbulent magic allows them to fly after casting a spell. Additionally, you won't provoke an opportunity attack when flying past an enemy.
Furthermore, you gain additional abilities related to lightning and storms: Heart of the Storm, Lightning, Thunder, Resistance.
Who to play as is entirely up to you, as the subclass significantly influences your playstyle and character. If you desire more randomness and unpredictability in gameplay, go for Wild Magic. For defensive builds, Draconic Bloodline is a good choice. Storm Sorcery, like lightning, offers precise and fast gameplay.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Sorcerer build
Image credit: Larian Studios
First and foremost, go with your taste and game expectations. BG3 is a highly variable game, and if you create your character based on your preferences, you'll fully enjoy the role-playing experience. If our description matches your idea of a game class, drop a comment and give it a thumbs up.
Best races:
- High Half-Elf. You can choose an extra cantrip, have an advantage in charming, and have night vision.
Best subclass: Wild Magic, Draconic Bloodline.
- Arcana; when combined with High Half-Elf and the sage background, you'll have a better chance of succeeding at investigation checks.
- Persuasion. Spellcasters start with high charisma, so it makes sense to choose persuasion to avoid battles whenever possible.
Pick the sage background to gain skills in magic and history – they'll definitely come in handy during the game!
Image credit: Larian Studios
Skill leveling recommendations:
- Strength: 8;
- Dexterity: 14;
- Constitution: 16;
- Wisdom: 12;
- Intelligence: 8;
- Charisma: 16.
- Fire Bolt;
- Ray of Frost;
- Mage Hand;
- Minor Illusion.
- Chromatic Orb;
- Magic Missile;
- Scorching Ray;
- Fireball;
- Lightning Bolt;
- Cone of Cold;
- Chain Lightning;
Meteor Swarm.
- Tides of Chaos,
- Bend Luck.
Choose your equipment according to your level. Since mages don't wear heavy or medium armor, you'll be wearing basic clothing for a long time.
Image credit: Larian Studios
What's a sorcerer's favorite drink? Coffee with milk. It helps them stay alert and focused, which is important for casting spells. But in all seriousness, the sorcerer is indeed an interesting character class that relies on high charisma and endurance to concentrate on powerful spells during battles. We hope this guide has been helpful for you, and you've learned what you were looking for about sorcerer magic. Good luck in your game!
Main image: Larian Studios