For enhanced precision in shooting and to stay hidden from enemies, players must adopt a stealthy movement, crouching strategy. Although this is a fundamental gameplay mechanic in battle royale, many players are still unfamiliar with its importance. 

The game features numerous options, shortcuts, making it sometimes unclear what each button does. Our article will demonstrate how to crouch in Fortnite on major platforms (PC, PS, Xbox) and how to reassign this action.

How to perform this action on a computer

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In the default control scheme, Ctrl is designated for actions such as crouching and sliding. This placement may prove cumbersome, as it requires a stretch away from the primary control keys, despite its frequent use. To customize this key binding, navigate to the settings menu, proceed to the tab marked by an arrow icon, and locate the required function within the "Movement" category.

how to crouch in FortniteImage: Ensigame

For the significant portion of the Fortnite community that plays on Microsoft + Sony consoles. The button placement for this action can vary on Xbox and PS, as there are several control configurations catering to different play styles.

Mastering the crouch: techniques for PS4/5

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On a gamepad, there are significantly fewer keys than on a keyboard. To maintain all functions, developers often "hide" various actions. In the game from Epic Games, Crouch can be on one of two buttons, depending on the presets:

  • In "Old School" and "Quick Builder" modes, it is controlled by LB;
  • In the "Combat Pro" layout, which is optimized for combat scenarios, a single press of the R3 button executes a crouch maneuver. If you continue to hold down this button, it triggers the Repair function.

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If there is any inconvenience, users can reassign the button for this action. To change the control, you need to go to the settings, then to the tab with the gamepad symbol, called "Controller Mapping".

The Crouch option is located in the "General" part, at the top of the list. Select the line and press "X" to reassign the key.

Interestingly, the settings for controllers also apply to PC if the user is not playing with a keyboard + mouse.

Perfecting the crouch move on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

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On Microsoft’s gamepad, the sticks are positioned slightly differently, but the key combinations and preset controls are the same for both consoles. By default, the settings are:

  • In the combined "Old School", "Quick Builder" settings, the LB button, positioned over the Left Stick, is assigned to manage the crouching action;
  • In the "Combat Pro" setup, pressing the Right Stick once triggers the crouch action. The character remains in a crouched state until the stick is pressed a second time to return to standing. Furthermore, holding down the Right Stick activates the Repair function.

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The combinations can change just like on other platforms, as the control menu is identical. The necessary setting is located in the options, in the tab with the gamepad symbol. Find the "General" part, there, "Crouch". To reassign, select this and press "Y".

To be a more professional user, we recommend reading our other article on managing the battle royale. By clicking on this link, you’ll learn a lot of useful information.

Anyone can master control techniques, especially after reading our article. You will notice a significant improvement in skills as soon as the buttons are correctly distributed, as the secret of the game action that can save your life will be revealed. We hope readers understood how to crouch in Fortnite on PC and other platforms.

Main image by Ensigame