There are many flying creatures in games. More than a hundred! All flying type Pokémon are divided into three categories. In each, we will talk about the most popular and interesting characters.
Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed creatures:
- They are strong against Bug, Grass, Fighting;
- Weak against Electric, Ice, Rock;
- Immune to the Ground since they do not touch the ground;
- Steel class is resistant, as birds cannot damage steel.
Pure flying type
There are only three instances. Therefore, let's consider each.
Rookidee is a very impatient tit. This small bird does not pose a big threat but has excellent speed. The character also possesses a Dark class move, which can be fatal for physical category opponents. At level eighteen, the creature transforms into Corvisquire.
Corvisquire is such a smart crow who knows how to use tools in battle. The sum of stats is 365, with a large portion being health, attack, and speed. Despite decent combat skills, character is clever enough to avoid encounters with more dangerous opponents.
It might seem that only bird Pokémon should be able to fly. Among them, however, is Tornadus — a genie floating on a cloud with a tail resembling a purple tentacle... We get the feeling that they are classified as a pure Flying kind solely because, otherwise, this fighter would need to have three or four forms, which would disrupt the world's system. Regarding abilities and characteristics: the hero is good at attack, quite fast.
Primary Flying type
In this category, Pokémon prioritize the Flying class but also have a secondary category. There are six in total, so let's discuss each, listing them in order of increasing complete base characteristics.
The youngster Noibat has Dragon as a secondary type. It is a bat, one of the best among kin. Speed leads in stats, followed by special attack.
Cramorant is a favorite of many players. The secondary class is Water, presumably because it feeds on fish. In fact, it's due to habitat, but the Pokémon live there because of the tasty treats.
This cormorant has a total stat sum of 475, with high values in special defense, speed, attack. Regular defense is low, making Cramorant less versatile.
Bombirdier is a stork with a secondary Dark-type. Indeed, it's black and white. The creature can gather items in an apron to drop them from a height for fun.
More practically, the apron serves to store food that the Pokémon takes to nest. Stat-wise, the character is very good in assault but has a significantly lower special attack. The complete characteristics sum up to 485.
Corviknight is the evolutionary form of Corvisquire. It has a secondary Steel-type, which does not hinder flying ability. The hero turned out to be an excellent tank due to huge defense and health parameters. The complete stats are 495.
Flamigo has a secondary Fighting-type, though it might not look the part. Almost the only thing that visually distinguishes the Pokémon from a real flamingo is the neck, tied in a knot.
This is necessary to prevent the energy stored in the belly from leaking out of the beak. Flamigo synchronizes with a flock of similar creatures to assault simultaneously in perfect harmony. Attack leads, but special defense lags behind.
The strongest Primary Flying-type Pokémon is Noivern. It shares the secondary Dragon category with Noibat, from which the fighter evolves at level 48. The speed is off the charts — at a whole 123!
Other stats may be lower than those of predecessors, but such speed provides a significant advantage in many situations. The full equals 535.
Secondary Flying type
There are a total of 107 Pokémon with a secondary Flying category. Flying is indeed a very useful trait, which is why almost all such characters dominate over their non-Steel terrestrial counterparts. Thanks to this diversity, it's possible to assemble a team of such heroes, each having a unique role in the squad and a different primary type.
Some of them are especially popular in the community. Some are extraordinarily strong, while others are memorable from anime and favorite games.
The charming Charizard has a Fire class, though it could just as successfully have been Dragon. It can even learn moves of this kind, but the developers decided to make only Mega Charizard X evolution a full Dragon-type.
The Pokémon has high speed and special attack stats, allowing it to burn enemies before it has a chance to react.
Dragonite looks quite different from previous forms but is very similar to Charizard. Obviously, it has a Dragon-type, which seems logical. The amiable Pokémon is fearsome when angered, so it's better to avoid provocation. The character boasts a high assault, with speed, special attack tied for second place. The total stats equal 600.
Pidgey would have been well-suited to the Ground class because of affinity for sand assails. But in reality, this bird's primary type is Normal. Pidgey dislikes battles, so the character uses skills to blind opponents in order to then flee. The warrior possesses excellent speed and a decent attack, with a full sum of 251.
Pidgeotto is the second form of Pidgey. The primary class is also Normal. The creature has become more hawk-like, which is reflected in temperament. Now, it's an aggressive predator.
The Pokémon guards territory, spotting peace violators from 60 miles away. All stats are pretty average, except for good speed. The total sum of parameters equals 349.
Gyarados is a truly ferocious Pokémon. The fighter does not have wings, but this fact does not prevent the creature from soaring in the sky. The primary kind is Water. Meanwhile, moves can be of Flying, Dark, Normal, Dragon, Ice. The total stats equal 540. Attack leads, followed by special defense and health. Gyarados's special assail is merely 60.
Scyther is a deadly mantis capable of slicing metal with scythe-like arms. It's a Bug category. Due to such a combination with the Flying class, the Pokémon is especially dangerous to brethren. The mantis has high assault and speed. Special attack is quite weak. The full stats equal 500.
Mega Evolution Pinsir adds Flying to Bug-type. The character is extremely strong thanks to pincers. Opponents risk losing a couple of limbs. The mega evolution's attack is 155! This is the highest stat among all non-legendary Pokémon of the specified type. The complete parameters of a regular Pinsir equal 500, while the mega evolution is 600.
Rayquaza is a serpentine dragon that flies through levitation. Pokémon can comfortably cross the ozone layer and possibly even survive in space without dying from the cold, lack of oxygen.
Thanks to such skills, Rayquaza fights meteorites that could fall to Earth. The fighter is very aggressive and has high stats for all attacks — 150! Both types of defense are 90. The total sum is 680.
Staraptor is one of those Pokémon that fight to the end. Even when severely wounded, the warrior still fiercely defends itself, especially if the fight is over territory protection. Staraptor cares about appearance, particularly crest, so the creature often meticulously cleans, adjusts it. The champion has decent attack, speed parameters. The total stats sum is 485. The primary type is Normal.
Gliscor belongs to the Ground class. A nocturnal creature, it's a mix between a scorpion and a bat. A skilled hunter, lying in wait for prey in pine forests, swamps. The leading characteristic is defense, followed by assail and speed. The special attack is only 45. The complete parameters sum up to 510.
Excellent secondary type
As you may have noticed, among flying Pokémon, there are many strong warriors, sturdy defenders, representatives of other specializations. It turns out that this type is excellently suited as a secondary option. Adding flight to creatures of other categories literally gives them wings. Rayquaza with Gyarados didn't get the joke, but they didn't need to.
For some heroes, the ability to soar appears in evolutions, which also becomes a pleasant surprise when developing initial characters. Some of them reveal their potential precisely through such evolutions and attain their best form possible.
Main image by Ensigame