While Dragon's Dogma 2 boasts a romance system, its complexity might leave adventurers feeling like real-life dating is simpler. This guide aims to demystify the romantic avenues available in the game, covering both casual NPC interactions and deeper connections with story characters.

If navigating the path to companionship leaves protagonists confused about finding the right NPC, triggering intimacy, or completing quests for special tokens of affection, they risk missing out on the romantic experiences woven into one of this year's best games.

Romance systems in Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com 

Dragon's Dogma 2 features multiple romance mechanics that allow heroes to charm not only story characters but also ordinary NPCs. Each game aspect offers unique bonuses and privileges, enhancing the gameplay experience. For example, the chosen one might receive presents from their admirer or enjoy substantial discounts from a smitten merchant. If explorers seek a more intimate and romantic connection with story characters, Dragon's Dogma 2 caters to that desire as well. 

It's simply a matter of finding the right story characters to pursue. Let's delve deeper into each mechanic.

The affinity system

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com

In Dragon's Dogma 2, Arisen can build close relationships with almost any NPC they encounter. Each non-playable character has an affinity scale that the main character can increase by fulfilling specific conditions. As the affinity level reaches certain thresholds, NPCs will exhibit telltale signs of affection: blushing during dialogues, visiting the hero's home, following them around, and leaving mementos at their doorstep. Additionally, enamored merchants will offer generous discounts on their wares.

However, it's important to note that players won't experience elaborate romantic interactions, dates, or intimate cutscenes with ordinary NPCs. The affinity mechanic primarily grants special privileges that don't influence the overarching story or introduce new companions.

The romance system

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com

Developing true romantic relationships, complete with confessions of love and unique cutscenes, is reserved for two key characters: Ulrika and Wilhelmina. To unlock their respective romance paths, players will need to complete numerous quests to deepen the bond with each of them.

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

Ulrika is among the first characters encountered in the game. Shortly after the initial meeting, adventurers must seek her out in the open world to initiate her personal questline, which ultimately leads to a romantic relationship.

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

Wilhelmina enters the picture during the "Stolen Throne" mission. She becomes an ally after assuming the role of the brothel madam in "Venworth". From there, the relationship with her can be nurtured by completing specific tasks she assigns.

The admirer system and its impact on the ending

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com

Both romance mechanics mentioned above contribute to a larger "admirer system" that influences the game's narrative. The secondary hero with the highest affinity towards the protagonist and the most significant level of involvement in the relationship will play a special role at the end of the main story. 

Spoiler: During the final quest, "Legacy", the dragon requires the protagonist's beloved. If a romance has been pursued with either Ulrika or Wilhelmina, the dragon will likely choose one of them. If not, the dragon will select the NPC who has received the most presents from the hero. And if no particular attention has been shown to NPCs throughout the playthrough, the fire-breathing lizard will independently choose a partner for the Arisen from among the available quest givers.

How to win over an NPC

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com

Let's say an interesting character has been encountered. Here's what should be done:

  • Initiate a conversation: Talk to the game world inhabitant at least once to unlock dialogue options.
  • Access the History tab: Open the menu and navigate to the "History" tab.
  • Locate the desired NPC: Click on "Character List" and find the specific individual to connect with.
  • Identify their preferences: In the character description, under the "gender, race, residence" section, you'll find their preferences.
  • Memorize their favored items: For example, Danny appreciates interesting and fashionable items.
  • Close the menu and initiate a conversation: Talk to the NPC and select the "gift" option. This corresponds to the "Square" button on PS5, the "X" button on Xbox controllers, and the "Y" key on keyboards.
  • Choose an appropriate gift: Be sure to select a gift that aligns with their preferences. Giving a character something they dislike (e.g., rotten fruit or wilted flowers) will significantly decrease the affinity level.

Optimal gifting for maximum affinity in Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com

Determining the exact number of gifts needed to reach maximum affinity with a secondary hero is not straightforward. It largely depends on the specific NPC, the quality of the presents, and their personal preferences. Generally, four to six offerings should suffice. However, it's crucial to remember that the affinity system has a daily limit, meaning only one token of affection can be offered per day.

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: steamcommunity.com

Unfortunately, Dragon's Dogma 2 lacks a visual indicator for relationship progress. Gauging how far adventurers have come with a particular character is not possible. Patience is key, and consistent present-giving is essential. Offering a variety of items is recommended, as repeatedly giving the same present can hinder relationship development. If players find themselves without a suitable memento, consider gifting a "Bouquet of Flowers", which can be found in the open world or purchased from a merchant for 1000 gold coins.

Eventually, the beloved will be noticed blushing, signifying that the maximum level within the affinity system has been reached.

Gift categories and examples

Here's a categorized list of present to help you navigate relationship building with any NPC:

Beautiful items:

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

  • Bunch of Flowers
  • Noonday Bloom
  • Sunbright Bloom
  • Copper Ore
  • Silver Ore
  • Gold Ore
  • Fulgurous Ore
  • Obsidian
  • Dragonblood Crystal
  • Golden Beetles

Items unsuitable as gifts:

  • Wilted Flowers
  • Scrap Metal
  • Rusted Parts
  • Crystal Chips
  • Azure Crystals

Charming items:

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

  • Bouquet of Flowers
  • Noonday Bloom
  • Sunbright Bloom
  • Apple
  • Fig
  • Raspberry
  • Quince
  • Golden Beetles

Items unsuitable as gifts:

  • Wilted Flowers
  • Rotten or Unripe Fruit

Unusual items:

  • Curative Elixir
  • High Draught
  • Panacea
  • Spellbooks
  • Parts and organs from dangerous monsters

Items unsuitable as gifts:

  • Antidotal Herb
  • Organs from weak and common monsters, such as goblin horns

Expensive items:

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

  • Any item with a high gold value
  • Rare Ore
  • Golden items
  • Expensive parts and equipment
  • Obsidian

Items unsuitable as gifts:

  • Scrap Metal
  • Rusted Parts
  • Stones
  • Coal

Rare items:

  • Parts and organs from rare monsters
  • Pestilent Mane
  • Great Griffin Claw
  • Warped Eye

Items unsuitable as gifts:

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

  • Any other organ from a less valuable monster

Interesting Items:

  • Rare items dropped by monsters
  • Bones
  • Horns
  • Fangs
  • Gears
  • Daggers
  • Swords
  • Greaves
  • Breeches

Items unsuitable as gifts:

Dragon's Dogma 2Image: youtube.com

  • Daggers with Frozen Edges
  • Courtier's Tunic
  • Two-Handed Sword
  • Rusted and torn items

Gift-giving is an art that requires thoughtfulness and understanding. Beautiful, charming, unusual, costly, rare, and intriguing items can make wonderful presents that strengthen relationships. However, it's also essential to consider that not all objects are suitable as gifts. The key is to show care, pour your heart into it, and select something that will genuinely delight the recipient.

Main image: Ensigame