Once upon a time, in a world of cubes, where every mountain calls for adventure and every bush hides secrets, you face a puzzle: how do you turn a pile of iron ore into strong and reliable metal? The answer is simple — you need to master the art of smelting! Today, I’ll tell you how to make a blast furnace in Minecraft.
Does it make sense?
Image: ensigame.com
Imagine descending into a deep mine, your inventory filled with precious ores: iron or even gold. You dream of new armor, powerful tools, or decorations for your home, but all these dreams remain distant until your ore undergoes smelting.
A regular furnace, of course, will do the job, but it’ll take so long that the Ender Dragon might just die of old age. You need to upgrade your standard furnace into something capable of turning metal into liquid. A blast furnace, much like the smoker, which specializes in cooking food, works exclusively with ores and metals.
Let’s do it
Image: ensigame.com
Creating this block is different from crafting a classic furnace, but don’t forget about the classic — it’ll come in handy.
✅ Furnace. Yes, you’ll need a classic furnace, and I have a guide for crafting one.
✅ 3 Smooth stone blocks. Sleek, smooth, and durable, these blocks require a bit of effort to obtain. First, smelt regular cobblestone into stone, and then smelt that stone again to get smooth stone.
✅ 5 Iron ingots. Of course, it would be strange to see a high-temperature smelting device without metal. You’ll need to mine some iron ore and smelt it in a regular furnace.
Now let’s assemble the furnace. On the crafting table, arrange the ingredients as follows.
Image: ensigame.com
Excellent! You’re almost like a dwarf from The Lord of the Rings!
How does it work?
Let’s start with the interface, though you won’t see anything new here: the top slot is for ore, the bottom slot is for fuel (coal, wood, or a bucket of lava — use what you have), and the third slot outputs the result.
In addition to its noticeable speed boost, this block allows you to smelt scrap and blocks like copper or gold from ancient debris in the Nether.
Image: ensigame.com
Once your production is set up, here are a couple of tips:
🔥 Choose the right fuel. Lava is the most durable energy source, while coal is the most accessible. Remember, one unit of coal smelts 8 items, so try to load the furnace fully to avoid wasting resources.
🔥 Build your own smelting in Minecraft. Connect hoppers to the smelting blocks to create an automated system for loading ores and unloading ingots. This is especially handy for large-scale processing.
Image: ensigame.com
When your blast furnace in Minecraft is running at full power, you’ll see how much your in-game possibilities expand. Now, you can quickly craft iron armor for battles, gold for powerful enchanted apples, or copper for decorative elements in your builds. With every new project, you’ll feel like a true master capable of conquering any corner of this vast world.
So grab your pickaxe, my friend, and head to the mines! Your first blast furnace awaits, ready to become a part of your epic story.
Main image: ensigame.com