In Minecraft, exploring the underground world is an exciting yet dangerous adventure, and one of the most important structures in this dimension is the Fortress. It plays a key role in progressing through the game, as it is where you can obtain important resources. However, finding it can be challenging, as it generates in the chaotic landscape.
In this article, we will explain how to find a Nether Fortress in Minecraft, which methods can help speed up the search, and what to pay attention to during your journey.
What is the Nether Fortress
This is one of the most valuable and mysterious structures. Here, you can find Blaze Rods, which are necessary for crafting the Brewing Stand and creating the Eye of Ender to find the Stronghold. You can also find Nether Wart, which is a key ingredient for potion brewing. The chests inside can contain diamonds, saddles, gold ingots, and other valuable resources. Additionally, the Fortress is home to special Skeletons, whose heads can be dropped to summon the Wither.
The structure is a massive, dark structure built from Nether blocks. It features long corridors, tall columns, numerous staircases, intersections, bridges, and rooms with chests containing rare resources. Inside, dangerous Blazes roam alongside their spawners.
How to Find this Structure
Let's start with the method that players gain access to around the middle of the game in "survival" mode.
You need to build a portal to the Nether using Obsidian. The portal should be a rectangle, 5 blocks tall and 4 blocks wide. After building it, activate it using Flint and Steel by igniting the inner part of the frame.
Once you're in the cubic world's Nether, we recommend moving along the Z-axis (north-south), as Fortresses generate in strips in this direction. This increases the chances of stumbling upon the ancient structure. Also, pay attention to open spaces and avoid traveling through dense biomes like the Crimson Forest, where visibility is limited.
While searching, it's important to be well-equipped: wear fire-resistant armor, bring a bow for fighting flying mobs, and have enough food, along with golden apples, water buckets, and milk. It's also recommended to carry a Fire Resistance potion to reduce damage from lava and fire attacks. Leave noticeable markers along the way to avoid getting lost and to be able to return to the portal.
To have some orientation in this grim world, you can use a Compass + Lodestone combo. The Compass always points to this block. However, this method is only available if you have a Netherite ingot on hand.
How to Find Nether Fortress in Minecraft Using Commands
If you don't want to waste time, you can do it much faster by using commands. To find the fortress, you need to enable cheats in your world. To do this, when creating a new world, turn on the "Allow Cheats" option, or open the game for LAN connections.
Then, open the command console by pressing the "T" or "/" key on your keyboard and enter the appropriate command. In versions 1.19 and above, the command is /locate structure fortress, and in versions 1.11 through 1.18, it is /locate fortress. After executing it, the coordinates of the nearest fortress will appear in the chat.
To get there faster, you can use teleportation:
/tp [your_nickname] [X] [Y] [Z]
Tips for Finding
Using commands greatly simplifies the search process, but this method is only available in worlds with cheats enabled. If you have the world seed, you can use online maps and apps that allow you to calculate the location of fortresses and other structures.
Also, to avoid getting lost, create noticeable markers along the path, such as torches or glowing blocks (if you have access to glowstone), arrows made from blocks pointing in the direction, or pillars made of unnatural materials like cobblestone, which stands out among the Nether blocks.
The Nether is filled with large lava lakes and dangerous cliffs. Be cautious when digging and always carry blocks with you to quickly cover up lava if it appears.
To spot the fortress from a distance, the first thing to do is increase the brightness and render distance — this is especially useful in dark conditions and large magma caves. These massive structures made of Nether Brick often have long bridges but never appear near the remnants of a Bastion. So, if you spot a fortress made of black stone, keep searching.
The landscape is complex, and there are many hostile mobs around, so a good strategy is to build a bridge over the lava ocean to provide yourself with a better view. However, it is important to use cobblestone or other explosion-resistant materials to protect yourself from ghast attacks.
The Nether Fortress in Minecraft is an important location in the Block World, playing a key role in progressing through the game. Finding it can be difficult, but it is where valuable resources and strong enemies are found, making the exploration of the hellish lands an exciting challenge.
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