Ferocious, dangerous and terrifying. One of the scariest monsters in Minecraft history the Wither is capable of destroying everything around. It cannot simply be encountered in the game its appearance depends entirely on the player. Preparation for the battle is extremely important, as without it, the fight can quickly turn into a disaster. Today, we will explore what is needed to summon it and how to conduct the battle to avoid losing half of your resources.
How to Find and Summon the Wither
Image: youtube.com
Unlike other mobs, this boss does not spawn on its own. To summon it, you will need 3 Wither Skeleton skulls and 4 blocks of Soul Sand or Soul Soil. However, the materials aren’t easy to come by.
Where to Find Wither Skeleton Skulls
It can be obtained from Wither Skeletons, which spawn exclusively in Nether Fortresses. These dark and tall enemies pose a serious threat. The drop rate for a skull is not very high—only 2.5%. The "Looting III" enchantment can help increase this rate to 5.5%. Therefore, obtaining three skulls will require a significant amount of time and a lot of defeated skeletons.
How to Build the Structure
Now, let’s move on to how to spawn the wither in Minecraft. It’s best to do this in a location you don’t mind losing, as after its appearance, there might be nothing left of the area…
- Choose a location—preferably deep underground or in a deserted desert where the boss cannot destroy anything important.
- Build a T-shape using Soul Sand—three blocks in a row and one block beneath the center.
- Place 3 skeleton skulls on top. The third skull must be last if you don’t want to summon the boss prematurely.
- After spawning, the Wither will charge for about 10 seconds before it begins to attack.
Wither Behavior
Image: amazon.ae
The Wither is not only known for its destructive power but also for its cunning and merciless behavior. It fires charged projectiles, deals significant damage, and inflicts the "Wither" effect. It slowly drains health and prevents quick regen. In addition, this monster has high health regen, making it an even more formidable opponent.
It is like a treacherous hunter—the Wither seeks destruction, both physical and mental. It attacks without warning and often when the player is most vulnerable. Without the right tactics, defeating it may be nearly impossible.
How to Defeat the Wither
Image: rockpapershotgun.com
When the boss spawns, it begins to destroy everything in its path. There are just a few proven methods to deal with this powerful foe:
⚔️ Narrow Combat. The safest option is to summon the boss in a narrow tunnel deep underground. There, it won’t be able to fly or destroy the surroundings, and you can attack it freely.
⚔️ Using the End Portal. Another option is to spawn the Wither beneath an End Portal frame. In this location, it will get stuck, unable to attack, and become an easy target.
⚔️ Fair Fight. For those who want to test themselves in a real battle, you will need Netherite armor, an enchanted bow, healing potions, and a sword. Start by using the bow, and when the boss’s health drops below half, it will descend to the ground—then you can switch to melee combat.
Image: simpleplanes.com
After defeating the Wither, it will drop a Nether Star, which is needed to craft a Beacon. This block provides valuable bonuses, such as speed, strength, or regen.
The Wither boss in Minecraft, but with proper preparation, it can be defeated without significant losses. Don’t forget about protection, use effective weapons, and always be prepared for the unexpected. Good luck!
Main image: wallpapers.com