Humans are social creatures, but sometimes, even minor issues can cause frustration, especially when problems pile up. Recently, the Twitch channel of streamer FaZe Lacy was hacked, and inappropriate content was streamed under his name. The platform quickly banned the channel, and it seemed like the situation would follow a standard resolution: Lacy would remain banned for some time, regain access to his account, and eventually return to streaming.

However, the ban lasted only half an hour. Lacy’s FaZe Clan teammate, Jason, made a call to Twitch CEO Dan Clancy and requested the ban be lifted. The issue was resolved swiftly, and Lacy’s account was reinstated. While this was good news for Lacy, it sparked dissatisfaction among smaller streamers, who saw the incident as an example of favoritism.

It’s well-known that Twitch’s support system can be sluggish, with streamers often waiting a long time for their appeals to be reviewed—and even then, success isn’t guaranteed. Many smaller creators felt frustrated, perceiving Lacy’s quick resolution as special treatment due to his connections.

That said, mistakes happen, and it’s reassuring to see some issues resolved quickly and positively, even if the broader system still leaves much to be desired.

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