The crafting system in the cubic world is very extensive, and the number of tools we can create is vast. But why constantly create a pickaxe or a sword? The reason for the continual crafting lies in the durability of the items. Yes, your tools and armor will break, but you don't necessarily have to throw them away, especially if it's an enchanted sword on which you've spent hours in the game. Now I will explain how to repair items in Minecraft, and this information will make your gameplay easier!
How to create an anvil in Minecraft?
As you might have guessed, an anvil is necessary for repairing items. Creating this block is not simple—the challenge lies not in the recipe but in the ingredients. For an anvil, you will need 4 iron ingots and three iron blocks, which means you have to create 31 ingots! Yes, that's a lot, but the effort is justified.Of course, first you need to smelt the ore, and for that, you will need a furnace or a blast furnace—there are separate guides for them.
Approach the crafting table and use the following recipe.
Done! Now all that's left is to understand how it works.
How does the anvil work?
To repair any item using an anvil, you need to approach it and open the crafting menu. It is divided into three slots, where you can place only two items. So, to begin with, you can use two similar tools with low durability to create a completely new one.
You don't necessarily have to use the same type of items for repair—after all, you are combining two items into one. You can use one of the materials needed to craft the item you are repairing.
In my example, to repair a stone hoe, one block of cobblestone is used. However, keep in mind that some types of items require special recipes for repair. These include enchanted items. Regardless of the type of item being repaired, the procedure will cost your own experience points—the more durability points restored, the greater the loss.
Repairing enchanted Items in Minecraft
Repairing enchanted items is as easy as repairing regular ones, but it requires more experience and expensive enchanted items or books. Actually, it's not as difficult as it seems—the main thing is to use the following principles:
- If you place two enchanted items in the repair slots, you can get a fully repaired item of a higher rank.
- The calculation is done as follows: the properties of the item in the first slot are added to the properties of the item in the second slot, including durability points.
- The success of such a repair is not guaranteed, and the cost of the procedure can vary significantly depending on the order of placing the items—experiment!
This trick can be repeated by using a book of enchantments instead of the second tool. Just place the items in the corresponding slots and enjoy the result! Moreover, you can use two books to get a more upgraded version.
Features of using the anvil
We've figured out how to get a repaired item from the anvil, but you haven't forgotten that you are in the world of Minecraft, have you? In the game, each item has its own durability, and the anvil is no exception. Unfortunately, even such a durable tool will break if used frequently—it can be seen by the presence of cracks on its body. Be ready to craft another such block and stock up on iron.
Remember that the anvil cannot be used to repair scrolls, books, bows, chainmail, and many other items. For them, other recipes and sequences of actions are needed.
How to repair an Item without an anvil?
Why do we love Minecraft? Of course, for its variability! Items can be repaired without an anvil, which many players use during long journeys. You can use a grindstone, but the best option is the good old crafting table.
Simply open the crafting table interface to start combining items of the same type to increase durability points. The essence is the same as when using an anvil. Agree, it's more efficient than carrying an anvil on a trip. Convenient and quick—all just the way we like it.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that repairing items in Minecraft is not limited to standard recipes. From this article, you also learned that you don't need to look for an anvil to maintain your favorite items—you can use a crafting table or a regular grindstone. As you delve deeper into the world of Minecraft, you will discover the possibility of repairing without any of the above-mentioned methods. Try experimenting with materials and resources to find the most efficient way to repair.
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