Ark: Survival Evolved is an incredibly expansive game that requires players to master many different mechanics and consider various nuances. However, as often happens, sometimes you want to make the gameplay a little (or a lot) easier with cheat codes. This guide compiles all the most useful commands.
How to use cheat codes in Ark: Survival Evolved
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- Enter the game server.
- Open the console by pressing the Tab key.
- Enter the command EnableCheats and select the administrator password.
- Then type SetCheatPlayer true to activate cheats. To deactivate them, replace true with false.
- All other players on the server can freely use the codes.
Main commands
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- God β immortality (with the risk of drowning remaining).
- InfiniteStats β endless supply of strength, stamina, oxygen, water, and food.
- GMBuff β god mode with maximum capabilities. Includes immortality, invisibility, stamina, maximum health, satiety, level, infinite ammo, and additional experience.
- EnemyInvisible β enemies will not attack the player even if they are attacked.
- LeaveMeAlone β another god mode, but without additional experience.
- ToggleInfiniteAmmo β infinite ammunition.
- DamageTarget [number] β deal the specified amount of damage to the targeted object.
- Hurtme [number] β inflict a wound on yourself for the specified amount of damage.
- PlayersOnly β freezes all creatures and crafting of items.
- Slomo 5 β slows down movement speed.
- Fly β character can fly.
- Ghost β allows passing through walls and textures.
- Walk β disables flying and passing through objects.
- Addexperience 500 β adds 500 experience points. Any numerical value can be specified.
- Giveresources β 50 units of any resources.
- Execsetsleeping true/false β sleep mode / character awakening.
- DestroyAllEnemies β kill all enemies.
- Togglegun β enable display of the item in the character's hands.
- Stat fps β view your ping and FPS.
- GiveItemNum β receive any item in the game.
- GiveColors [number] β gives the specified amount of dye.
- ChangeSize [number] β change the size of the character by multiplying by the specified number.
Codes for creative mode
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- GiveCreativeMode β switch to creative mode.
- GiveCreativeModeToTarget β the player linked to the target switches to creative mode.
- GiveCreativeModeToPlayer [PlayerID] β transfers the specified player to creative mode.
- GiveEngrams β unlocks all recipes.
- GiveEngramsTekOnly β unlocks all engrams.
- Teleport β allows teleportation in the direction the player is facing.
- TeleportPlayerIDToMe [Player ID] β transfers the specified player to your location. Instead of ID, a name can be used.
- TeleportToPlayer [Player ID] β transports you to the specified player.
- TPCoords [latitude] [longitude] [altitude] β teleports the character to the specified coordinates.
- Setplayerpos 0 0 0 β a code with similar action, where coordinates are specified instead of zeros.
Weather control
- Settimeofday <12:00> β change the time of day in the game to noon. Any time can be specified.
- Stoptime/starttime β stop or start time.
- Heatwave β heat wave.
- Coldfront β freezing temperatures.
- Makeitrain β rain.
- Fogitup β fog.
- TestNorthernLights1 β aurora borealis.
- Start_Volcano β volcano eruption.
- Startquake β earthquake.
- Start meteors β meteor shower.
- SpawnRainbow β rainbow.
Dinosaur control
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- DoTame β instantly tame the dinosaur you are aiming at.
- ForceTame β instant taming of dinosaurs, no saddle required for riding.
- ForceTameAOE [radius] β tame all dinosaurs within the given radius.
- Summon [type]Β β create the specified creature near the player.
- SummonTamed [type] β summon an already tamed creature.
- GMSummon [type] [level] β create a tamed animal of the specified level.
- GiveDinoSet [set] [quantity] β create a squad of the specified number of dinosaurs with saddles.
- Givetome β the dinosaur aimed at by the cursor will come to the player.
- Destroyall [type] β destroy creatures of the specified class (works on objects).
- DestroyWildDinos β destroy all wild dinosaurs.
- TakeAllDino β all dinosaurs belonging to the given tribe will come to the player.
Weapon sets
- GiveWeaponSet 0 β Primitive weapons: bow, pike, spear, bolas.
- GiveWeaponSet 1 β Basic weapons: assault rifle, shotgun, long rifle, sword, grenade.
- GiveWeaponSet 2 β Advanced weapons: compound bow, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, C4 charge.
- GiveWeaponSet 3 β Tek weapons: tek grenade, tek rifle, tek railgun, tek sword.
Commands for server management
- Saveworld β save the current game.
- Broadcast [message] β all players receive the message typed within the brackets. The console only recognizes English letters.
- BanPlayer [SteamName] β ban a player.
- UnBanPlayer [SteamName] β unban a player.
- Quit β exit the server with saving.
Server configuration commands
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In Ark: Survival Evolved, there are commands that allow you to configure created servers. They are entered in the GameUserSettings.ini and Game.ini configuration files located in the root folder. They cannot be activated during the game itself. Remember to turn off the server before typing them.
- ServerPVE β enable PVP mode on the server.
- ServerHardcore β hardcore mode, where players start over after death.
- ServerForceNoHud β disable floating names.
- GlobalVoiceChat β activate global voice chat.
- ServerCrosshair β enable or disable the crosshair.
- ProximityChat β messages are visible only to those players who are close to each other.
- NoTributeDownloads β prohibit the transfer of characters and dinosaurs from other servers.
- AllowThirdPersonPlayer β third-person view.
- AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft β players receive notifications if someone leaves the server.
- AlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined β players receive notifications if someone joins the game.
- DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined β disable notifications of gamers' entry and exit.
- MapPlayerLocation β shows the player's location on the map.
- DifficultyOffset β set the server difficulty level, from 1 to 5.
- ShowFloatingDamageText β display the inflicted damage on the screen.
- MaxStructuresInRange β set a limit on constructions on the server.
- MaxPlayers β maximum number of players on the server.
Main image by Stable Diffusion