One of the most non-obvious aspects that newcomers to PoE encounter is skill progression. Unlike other games where new skills are granted to you as you level up, in this game you have to earn them through hard work and effort!

Your task is to defeat enemies and collect gems from their corpses. Only with their help can you obtain coveted new skills or upgrade existing ones. Gems are a significant and essential part of PoE2's mechanics, necessary for understanding the game, and we will elaborate on this further.

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Where can I get gems in PoE2?

As mentioned above, to acquire new skills and strengthen your hero, you will need gems. You can obtain them by killing monsters and completing certain quests. The very first gem will be provided by the game a few minutes after creating your character. The item you receive is called an Uncut Gem. Right-click on it to use it and select one of the skills.

If you look closely, you will notice that the newly obtained item has a level. This determines the maximum level of the skill you can learn or upgrade.

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Types of gems in PoE2

They are divided into three main types:

🔾 Active Skill Gems — provide skills that you use in combat by activating them.

🔾 Support Gems — modify the properties and effects of Active Skills.

🔾 Buff Gems — provide permanent beneficial effects.

Let’s examine each type in more detail.

Active Skill Gems allow you to learn Active Skills. You can use only 7 Active Skills simultaneously, assigning each to a button on your mouse, keyboard, or gamepad. This limit also includes auras, but we will discuss them later. For now, let's move on to the next type.

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Support Gems allow you to add special options to Active Skills, which can significantly enhance or even completely change how these skills work.

Initially, you have only 2 slots for Support Gems, but later you can increase their number to 5 using Jeweller's Orbs. Not every Support Skill simply strengthens you. There are quite a few that, along with beneficial options, also reduce the damage of Active Skills. For example, a spell might release not one but three lightning bolts, each dealing less damage.

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You can experiment with different combinations of Support Skills, and skills from not only your class but also other classes will be available. The only limitation imposed by the game is the number of them you can learn. Each Support Gem is associated with one of the three main Attributes — Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. Each time you insert a Support Skill into an Active Skill slot, the Attribute requirement increases by +5. Thus, you will be limited in using Support Skills related to Attributes that you have not sufficiently upgraded.

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The third type of gems provides players with permanent or temporary buffs. Permanent buffs, such as Auras, offer significant bonuses but consume some of your Spirit. The more Support Gems you insert into Auras, the more Spirit is required. Temporary buffs provide a powerful but limited effect and go on cooldown afterward.

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There is also a special type of gem — Meta Gems. They also require Spirit but activate only under certain conditions. Each time the condition is met, you gain Energy, and when the Energy amount reaches its maximum, a powerful effect is triggered.

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Changes From PoE1

For veterans of Path of Exile, here is a brief overview of the differences from the first part. Firstly, gems are now socketed directly into the character, rather than into items as before (the slots in items are not left unused — you can now insert runes there, similar to Diablo II). Secondly, you can no longer use two identical Support Gems simultaneously. Thirdly, vendors no longer sell gems. As mentioned earlier, you will have to obtain them through combat or quests. There are also other minor changes.

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Advice on storing gems in PoE2

At some point, you will find that you have accumulated more skill gems than available slots. This is where a special gem compartment in your stash comes in handy. This tab is not free, but it is inexpensive, and you already have premium currency from purchasing the early access bundle. Now is the perfect time to use it!

In this compartment, you can conveniently store and sort gems. Just don't forget to go into the tab settings and check the box at the bottom of the window so that all gems are linked specifically to this section.

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At first glance, the gem system might seem too complex and confusing, but once you understand it, you can perform wonders by combining Active and Support Skills, as well as adding Buff Gems and Meta Gems to them, creating an endless variety of builds!

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