Pumpkins in the cubic world are not just a decorative element, but a useful resource that can be used to craft lanterns, pies, or even trade with villagers. However, running around the world searching for crops is not always convenient, so it’s better to create your own farm. In this guide, we’ll cover how to grow pumpkins in Minecraft using a farm, from manual harvesting to full automation, as well as common mistakes and optimization tips.

Building an Efficient Pumpkin Farm in MinecraftImage: pinterest.com

Preparation for Building

Before starting construction, gather all the necessary resources. The main things you'll need:

  • Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft. These can be obtained by turning a regular pumpkin into seeds using a crafting table or by finding them in village chests and mines;
  • Hoe. Any hoe will do, even a wooden one, but it’s better to use a sturdier version if the farm is large;
  • Water source. To hydrate the soil where pumpkin stems will grow;
  • Building blocks. You can use any material for the farm base, like stone or wood;
  • Observers and pistons. These allow you to automate the harvesting process;
  • Redstone and repeaters. To ensure the proper functioning of the mechanics;
  • Hoppers, chests, rails, and hopper minecart. These handle automatic collection and storage of pumpkins.

Choosing a Location for the Farm

If you want to grow pumpkins in Minecraft without hassle, it’s important to choose the right location for your farm. Pumpkins grow only on adjacent blocks (grass, dirt, mycelium), so make sure there is enough free space around the beds.

It’s best to place the farm on flat ground or prepare the area beforehand. Additionally, choose a safe location where creepers won’t destroy the structure. To protect against mobs, install lighting – torches, lanterns, or even redstone lamps.

Creating the Farm Base

how to make a pumpkin farm in minecraftImage: youtube.com 

Now, let’s move on to building the farm. First, choose a convenient size, for example, 10×10 blocks. This will provide enough space for the stems to grow. Then, follow these steps:

  • Till the soil with the hoe and plant the pumpkin seeds;
  • Leave empty blocks nearby – this is where the mature pumpkins will appear;
  • Place a water source in the center or along the edges of the bed to hydrate the soil;
  • Install lights or lanterns to prevent mob spawns.

At this stage, you can already grow pumpkins in Minecraft, but harvesting them will have to be done manually. If you want to make the process more convenient, add a chest to store the harvest.

Automating Harvesting

how to grow pumpkins in minecraftImage: youtube.com 

To make the farm work without your involvement, you need to set up an automatic harvesting mechanism:

  • Place observers so that they face the pumpkin stem. When a pumpkin appears, the observer will send a signal;
  • Place pistons next to the pumpkins. When the signal is triggered, the piston will push the pumpkin, breaking it;
  • Connect the redstone system to ensure the mechanism works correctly;
  • Set up the pumpkin collection system. You can place rails under the beds, along which a hopper minecart will move. It will automatically collect the fallen pumpkins and transfer them to a chest through a hopper.

How to Properly Place Rails?

To ensure the system works smoothly, use a closed loop. Place rails every 6–8 blocks. Then connect them to redstone torches so the minecart doesn’t stop, and make sure the rails run under all the beds.

grow pumpkins in minecraftImage: youtube.com 

Why Are the Pumpkins Not Growing

Sometimes players face the issue where growing pumpkins in Minecraft doesn’t work – the plants don’t yield any fruits. One possible reason could be a lack of space next to the pumpkin stem. The plant only grows on an adjacent block, so that block must be free. Also, pay attention to the space above the farm – it should be clear so the crops have room to grow.

Another reason could be poor lighting. Plants need a light level of 9, which is equivalent to regular daylight.

Is it Possible to Speed Up Pumpkin Growth 

Using bone meal speeds up the growth of the pumpkin stem, but not the pumpkins themselves. The rate at which they appear depends on randomness. To speed up the process, just increase the number of plantings.

Farm Optimization

If you want to create a more powerful production, simply add several layers. To do this, build multiple levels and place a single collection system underneath them. This is especially useful if combined with a melon farm in Minecraft to gather even more resources.

To make the pumpkin farm even more efficient, you can add:

  • A daylight sensor that activates the mechanism only during the day;
  • A redstone comparator that will allow you to collect pumpkins only when several fruits are fully grown, saving resources;
  • A fence or glass dome to protect the mechanism from mobs.

Now you know how to make a pumpkin farm in Minecraft that doesn't require your constant attention. All you need to do is check the chest and collect the harvest. If you want to increase productivity, you can expand production, add more levels, or improve the collection system. Now you’ll always have pumpkins without any hassle!

Main image: pinterest.com