Choosing your first fighter in the Pocket Monsters universe is not just the start of an adventure, but also an important strategic decision that can affect the entire course of the game. Each of the three Pokémon available at the beginning has its own unique qualities and advantages. In this article, we will examine each of the Pokémon FireRed starters and determine which one is the best for a successful start in the game.
This fighter resembles a small turtle, its body covered by a sturdy shell. However, the shell is not as simple as it seems. It has a useful function: the creature can retract into it for protection or rest. But it's not only used for that; its rounded shape and special grooves improve hydrodynamics, allowing the Pokémon to swim at high speeds. Additionally, it can shoot water jets from its mouth with high precision. Although it is a Water type, it thrives on land as well.
Squirtle has a fairly calm nature, although it can sometimes be hard to control. In this regard, it is more difficult to train than Bulbasaur, but easier than Charmander.
It is an excellent choice for beginner players due to its high defense and balanced stats. At the start of the game, it provides a significant advantage, as it easily defeats Brock, the Rock-type trainer, and then handles Misty's Pokémon as well. Its final evolution, Blastoise, has powerful Water attacks, high survivability, and can use Surf, which is useful both in battle and for traveling.
Among its strengths, its Torrent ability stands out, which boosts Water moves, and its hidden ability, Rain Dish, which restores 1/16 of its health during rain.
However, it also has drawbacks. It struggles against Grass and Electric types, especially in battles against Erika and Lt. Surge. Additionally, its attacks are less powerful compared to Charmander, and its speed leaves much to be desired.
Bulbasaur is a Grass and Poison type. It is a small, green, four-legged creature with a large head, and a peculiar bulb on its back. This bulb serves as an organ for storing energy, as it is said that during dry periods, Bulbasaur can survive for several days without food thanks to the energy stored inside. The bulb constantly grows by absorbing sunlight, and when its weight becomes too much for the creature to stand on two legs, it signals that evolution into Ivysaur is imminent.
This is an excellent choice for players starting their adventure in the Pokémon world. It has balanced stats, making it versatile in various situations. Its types help it successfully counter the first Gym Leaders, like Brock and Misty.
Its ability Leech Seed allows it to throw seeds from its bulb, which deal DoT (Damage over Time), gradually reducing the opponent's HP. Among its abilities, Vine Whip is notable — it uses vines as jointed limbs to strike opponents. These vines are also effective for manipulating objects or helping it climb to higher ground. Their strength is impressive, as they can lift loads equal to or even heavier than their own weight. Additionally, its hidden ability Chlorophyll doubles its speed in the sun, providing it with an extra advantage in critical situations.
However, Bulbasaur has its downsides. It is vulnerable to Fire, Ice, Psychic, and Flying attacks, making it weak against Pokémon like Charmander. Furthermore, it is not the fastest, and in some battles, it struggles to attack first. In the later stages of the game, its evolution retains these vulnerabilities, which become more pronounced, and its attacks may not be as powerful as those of other Pokémon, such as Charizard or Blastoise.
Charmander is a Fire type lizard Pokémon. The flame on its tail reflects its condition: it burns brightly when full of strength, dims when exhausted, flickers with joy, and flares up in anger. It is believed that if the flame goes out, its life will end as well. However, a healthy Charmander's flame continues to burn even in the rain.
This is one of the most popular starter Pokémon, but oddly enough, it can be difficult at the start. Yes, it has high Attack and Speed, and its Fire moves are effective against Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel types. Over time, Charmander evolves into Charizard, gaining access to powerful moves and even the ability to Mega Evolve.
However, it also has its drawbacks. At the beginning of the game, it struggles with the first gyms: Brock uses Rock-type Pokémon, against which Fire attacks are ineffective, and Misty has strong Water-type fighters that can easily defeat it. Additionally, it has relatively low defense, making it vulnerable in battle.
Despite these early difficulties, Charmander becomes a powerful ally in later adventures. If the trainer is ready for the challenges, this Pokémon will pay off over time, evolving into one of the strongest fighters.
Choosing Your First Pokémon: Who to Take on Your Journey?
All three Pokémon have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on your play style. If you want an easy start, go for Bulbasaur. If you enjoy challenges, Charmander is a good option. And if you prefer balance and versatility, Squirtle is the way to go.
However, in our opinion, Bulbasaur is the best option for a comfortable progression. It handles the first two gyms well thanks to its Grass type. Unlike the fiery dragon, which has a tough time at the start, this fighter feels confident right from the beginning. With solid Defense and Stamina, it is less likely to lose in battles and is great even for beginners. It proves its worth early on and remains useful throughout the game.
Each companion offers its own unique advantages, which can shape your playstyle and approach to battles. It's important to consider not only the challenges of the early stages but also your strategy for the later parts of the game. The choice depends on what you’re looking for in your fighter. No matter how you decide, this choice will be the foundation of your adventure in the world of Pocket Monsters.
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