The world of Dark Souls 3 has seen and endured much—dying and then coming to life again—twisted and distorted in the next agonizing cycle, bound by chains of curses, yet it still continues to exist. When the shards of reality collapse, and even those who once ruled over death tremble before the coming darkness, madmen emerge, ready to gather those shards to build something new…

In their hands lies a power that warps the very fabric of this dying world. They break boundaries and bend the ash of existence to their will, birthing something new from the burnt remnants of the past.

If you do not fear what Dark Souls might become, this article is for you, chosen one. These thirty mods are not merely games with matter; they are a brand that makes the torn flesh of this world sizzle, awakening gods and monsters, raising new kingdoms on the bones of the fallen, and granting immortals even more twisted forms of being.

So, nameless wanderer, are you ready to behold the abyss of seething chaos among the dimensions? Then follow me to the archives long forgotten, where each heretical tome holds a download link.

Bloodborne Soundtrack Replacement

Bloodborne Soundtrack ReplacementImage:

This mod is for those who love violins and shadows; it replaces the original Dark Souls 3 soundtrack with music from Bloodborne, creating a new atmosphere during gameplay. The mod changes boss theme music into even more intense and ominous pieces, modifies background music in various locations, and also adapts certain sound effects to match the Bloodborne style.

Dark Souls 3 Low End Mod

Dark Souls 3 Low End ModImage:

This modification is intended to improve game performance on weaker PCs. It reduces the quality of textures, effects, and other graphical elements, allowing the game to run more smoothly on computers that don’t meet the system requirements.

The mod lowers texture resolution to reduce load on the graphics card and disables or simplifies certain graphical effects like shadows and reflections. It also reduces the density of visual details in the environment. Of course, the resulting picture will be less vibrant, but it’s a good option for those whose computers remember how the First Flame was fading.

Incandescent ReShade 2.0

Incandescent ReShade 2 0Image:

Incandescent ReShade 2.0 is a graphical modification that enhances visual effects and lighting in the game. It removes the gray, faded colors of the original game without over-saturating them or adding unnecessary effects, while maintaining the Dark Souls 3 atmosphere. Dark areas become darker, light sources shine brighter, and flames acquire a warmer hue, thereby deepening the overall immersion.

Hollow Lighting

Hollow LightingImage:

If the candlelight on the graves of the old worlds seemed too hopeful to you, Hollow Lighting greatly alters in-game lighting, giving it a more somber visual feel. It adjusts lighting effects, shadows, and the color palette to create a more oppressive and immersive atmosphere befitting the series’ spirit.

The mod improves the game world’s perception so that every location feels more sinister and mysterious. This enhances your immersion, making exploration of Lothric even more gripping and tense.

Dark Souls 3 - HD Texture Pack

Dark Souls 3 HD Texture PackImage:

The HD Texture Pack will wipe away the dust of centuries from your screen, plunging you into the tragedy of the present. This mod increases texture resolution in the game, making graphics sharper and more detailed. It improves the visual perception of the world, characters, and objects, giving them a more defined, three-dimensional, and memorable look.

The graphical enhancements mainly include:

  • Updated environment textures, including walls, floors, and vegetation.
  • Improved textures for characters and enemies, making them more realistic.
  • Higher-resolution textures for weapons and armor for greater detail.

Dark Souls 3 - Cinematic FX

Dark Souls 3 Cinematic FXImage:

Cinematic FX adds cinematic effects and filters to the game, enhancing the visuals for a more atmospheric experience—helping you feel Lothric’s fall, the characters’ drama, and the clash of swords almost firsthand. The mod includes settings for color correction, depth of field, and other visual effects that give the game a cinematic look.

This mod not only enriches the color palette but also adds a depth-of-field effect to focus on key objects, applies blur and vignette for heightened atmosphere, and introduces many other tweaks that do not affect game mechanics but significantly enhance your gaming experience.

Guts Armor and Dragonslayer

Guts Armor and DragonslayerImage:

This mod is for fans of old-school anime—those that came out in an era when dragons ruled a gray world. It adds Guts’ armor and the Dragonslayer sword from "Berserk" to the game. Players can don the iconic armor and wield the massive Dragonslayer sword, allowing them to recreate Guts’ image in Dark Souls 3. This mod not only introduces visual changes but also adds new items and attack animations for this weapon.

Better Heal-Parry-Rolling-Attack Animations

Better Heal Parry Rolling Attack AnimationsImage:

This mod acts like a swig of Estus after a series of crippling wounds and focuses on improving and optimizing core gameplay mechanics, making the experience more dynamic and responsive.

Key changes include accelerated healing, an increased invulnerability window during rolls, extended parrying windows, and modified animations for heavy weapons. After these changes, your combat will feel more flexible and controlled, making the game experience more satisfying.

Enhanced Blood Mod

Enhanced Blood ModImage:

What is the destruction of the old order to a butcher, if not a reason to spill rivers of blood? And what are those rivers of blood to him if not the soothing of his dark soul? Enhanced Blood Mod increases the volume and quality of blood effects in the game, making battles more realistic and intense. Blood splatters become more pronounced, and their textures more detailed, intensifying the brutal atmosphere of Dark Souls 3’s world.

Dark Souls 3 Easy Mode

Dark Souls 3 Easy ModeImage:

This mod is perfect for those who prefer to explore the world deeply rather than focus on combat. It simplifies the game by reducing damage from enemies, increasing the player’s health and stamina, and making boss fights easier, greatly lowering the difficulty of the playthrough.

Dark Souls 3 - Hardcore Mode

Dark Souls 3 Hardcore ModeImage:

Download this mod only if you’re not afraid to lose your humanity. It increases the game’s difficulty, making it more demanding and intense for experienced players. The mod changes enemy stats, their behavior, and other gameplay aspects to provide a new level of challenge.

In this mod, you can expect:

  • Increased enemy health and damage, making fights more difficult.
  • Altered enemy behavior for more aggressive and unpredictable battles.
  • Resource limitations (e.g., Estus), raising the stakes for survival.

Aggression Mod

Aggression ModImage:

With this mod, the world of Dark Souls 3 no longer quietly withers and halfheartedly reacts to the unfortunate traveler; instead, it hunts them down. The mod increases the aggressiveness of enemies, making them more persistent in attacks and expanding their detection radius for the player.

This leads to greater difficulty and a more dynamic game, requiring carefully thought-out strategies and quick reactions. Enemies will chase the player from further distances and attack with fewer delays, making the playthrough more tense.

Hunter's Combat

Hunters CombatImage:

Hunter's Combat is a modification that introduces new combat mechanics and animations inspired by the Monster Hunter series. The mod includes new moves, combos, and attack animations, making combat more dynamic and diverse, as well as unveiling a reworked combat system that emphasizes an aggressive playstyle.

The Blades of Ashina

The Blades of AshinaImage:

If your dried-up heart starts bleeding again at the sight of falling cherry blossoms, this modification is for you. The Blades of Ashina adds new weapons and fighting styles inspired by Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It introduces Sekiro-themed gear, adds new starting classes, and modifies overall game balance, including changes to item drop rates.

DS3 Boss Rush Mod

DS3 Boss Rush ModImage:

You’ve come here seeking great souls, caring nothing for the fate of mere mortals, right? DS3 Boss Rush Mod lets you fight all the game’s bosses in sequence, without having to play through the entire game. It’s like a Mortal Kombat-style mode that throws you from one boss to the next.

You can also choose the order and conditions of each subsequent battle.

First Person Cam

First Person CamImage:

The "First Person Cam" mod lets you experience Dark Souls 3 from a first-person perspective, significantly altering the game’s feel. The mod allows you to adjust various camera parameters, such as axis offsets, camera center position, lens distance, rotation angles, and field of view—letting each player customize the first-person view to their own preferences.

Note that this mod functions via a Cheat Engine script, and it’s recommended to use it offline to avoid potential issues with online play.

Honest Merchant

Honest MerchantImage:

Honest Merchant is a mod that adds a merchant selling all items and consumables. He’s located near the locked tower entrance by the Firelink Shrine bonfire. This mod is ideal for players who want to build their character and have access to any items without having to hunt them down in the game world.

Item Randomiser and Auto-equip

Item Randomiser and Auto equipImage:

What? Has the world flipped upside down and turned inside out? Isn’t that what you wanted all along? This mod randomly alters every item you find in the game. It also includes an additional feature that automatically equips items upon pickup.

This mod greatly boosts replayability and is perfect for those who’ve already completed the original Dark Souls 3 and want to experience the game with an element of surprise and added challenge—or simply despise all semblance of order.

Pocket Souls

Pocket SoulsImage:

This mod allows you to capture the souls of enemies and use their abilities in a manner similar to the Pokémon series. It adds new armor, weapons, items, bosses, and mechanics, enabling players to capture enemies (including bosses) for later use of their abilities in battle.

DS3 Infinite Possibilities Megamule

DS3 Infinite Possibilities MegamuleImage:

I get it—you can’t wait to shed your old skin and burn it… Or maybe you’ve decided to change identities as easily as a chameleon changes color? With this mod, you gain access to all items, spells, weapons, and armor right from the start. This allows you to create any build without having to complete multiple playthroughs or manage limited resources.

After installing DS3 Infinite Possibilities Megamule:

  • All weapons and armor (except those that drop from bosses) are available in your inventory.
  • All spells, pyromancies, and miracles are unlocked.
  • A large number of upgrade materials and gems are provided.
  • All bonfires are unlocked for fast travel.

DS3 Enemy Randomizer

DS3 Enemy RandomizerImage:

DS3 Enemy Randomizer randomly changes the placement of enemies throughout the game, adding an element of surprise and boosting replayability. The mod randomizes the location of regular enemies and bosses in different areas, and it gives you the option to adjust the degree of randomness and difficulty. It’s also worth noting that this mod offers excellent compatibility with other mods for an even more varied gaming experience.

Dark Souls 3 - The Fire Fades

Dark Souls 3 The Fire FadesImage:

This modification not only combines all official DLC but also adds new content in the form of areas, enemies, and items for a more complete gaming experience. Additionally, it includes tweaks to difficulty and game balance for smoother progression.

Seamless Co-op Mod

Seamless Coop ModImage:

Truly… it is a great joy to find someone as desperate and forsaken as yourself. And if you’ve found such a companion, the Seamless Co-op Mod lets you play through Dark Souls 3 in co-op mode without interruptions or restrictions. With this mod, you can go through the entire game from start to finish together in one session.

If a player dies, they respawn in the same world at the last visited bonfire without ending the session, and players do not get sent home after defeating bosses or clearing an area. Also, thanks to this mod, all NPC dialogues and in-game events will be fully synchronized between players.



Cinders is a large-scale modification that completely overhauls the original game, giving players a brand-new hardcore experience. The mod adds unique game modes, such as Gauntlet, where you face bosses in various sequences. Progression is less linear, allowing you to travel across different routes on the map and connect the world.

Enemies and bosses have been changed in strength, abilities, and placement; new bosses have been added. New classes and gifts are introduced. Game mechanics have been altered (for example, armor poise is removed). New features have been implemented, including expanded bonfire options, a new covenant offering system, and a curses/marks system. Many sets of weapons and armor have also been added and placed throughout the world.

Magic has been reworked, and new friendly merchants and hostile NPCs have been introduced. On top of that, you’re not alone anymore: there are companions you can summon for constant support.

The Convergence

The ConvergenceImage:

  • Author: TigerG92 - CouchJockey - AronTheBaron
  • Download: nexusmods

The Convergence is a mod that aims to provide an entirely new Dark Souls 3 experience with a ton of added spells, classes, items, weapons, bosses, and more. The mod introduces over 150 spells from 12 schools of magic, dozens of new weapons, armor sets, and tools.

It also includes major map changes in certain zones, including brand-new areas for Irithyll and Farron. The mod features its own custom bosses and non-standard enemies, including in both DLCs. A new alchemy system has been introduced, accessible at any bonfire, allowing players to craft alchemical items using reagents.

Champion's Ashes

Champions AshesImage:

  • Author: Halvard - Angeluso - Gabri
  • Download: nexusmods

Face to face on the last scrap of a ruined world—if that’s when your blood truly boils, you need Champion's Ashes. This mod focuses on overhauling the PvP system and adds new weapons and combat mechanics. Its goal is to upgrade and modernize PvP, making player-versus-player battles more dynamic and varied.



Archthrones is a global modification that presents a new story set before the events of Dark Souls III. The mod features its own lore, inspired by the deep secrets of Dark Souls mythology. Essentially, it’s a new DLC created by extremely dedicated fans, blowing the dust off ancient myths and legends.

The game adds new enemies, bosses, armor, weapons, and spells. You can relive the most memorable areas of the entire Dark Souls trilogy in one mod, with reimagined iconic characters and interpretations known previously only through item descriptions. If the lore of this universe is dear to your heart, this mod is a must-download.

Ashen Blood

Ashen BloodImage:

If you’re a fan not only of the Dark Souls series but of other FromSoftware games as well, you’ll likely enjoy Ashen Blood. It’s a Bloodborne-inspired mod that changes gameplay, weapons, enemies, map design, and visual effects. The mod is geared toward single-player and offers an experience closer in style to Bloodborne.

Born From the Ashes

Born From the AshesImage:

Are you truly the bearer of the ancient flame, or a fraud who’s devoured the remains of once-great souls? The Born From the Ashes mod will test you and give you the real answer. This mod turns the game into an even more challenging and intense ordeal. The creators have added over a thousand new enemies, placed manually throughout the entire game world. Even seasoned players will encounter unexpected opponents in the most surprising places.

In addition to the increased difficulty, Born From the Ashes introduces new gear. There are 28 added armor sets, each with unique passive abilities that can drastically alter your playstyle. The arsenal of weapons has also been updated: the mod includes numerous new weapon types, each equipped with powerful weapon arts and special moves. Rings have been enhanced, and the overall balance has been revised.

For the mod to work correctly, you’ll need the full version of Dark Souls 3 with all DLC, as well as the DS3 Mod Engine plugin. The creators recommend playing offline to avoid potential penalties.

Hollow Overhaul

Hollow OverhaulImage:

Hollow Overhaul is a mod that changes the curse system and introduces new mechanics tied to the Hollow state. It increases the game’s difficulty by altering balance and enemy placements, as well as adding new statuses, weapons, and bleed effects. Additionally, the mod enhances graphics, which may require more powerful hardware for stable performance—so check first whether your PC can ignite this flame without turning into smoldering embers.

That’s all, nameless traveler. I have given you everything I know. I hope my tomes have not become a death sentence for your sanity or a path to oblivion for your computer… But wait, wanderer… I beg you, heed this warning: the knowledge in these books can be dangerous to your PC, so I implore you—do not neglect the installation instructions provided by the mod authors. Now go, and carry the flame to restore this world, or free it from torment by casting it into the abyss…

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