The Pokémon GO universe is filled with a wide variety of creatures, from the cutest and friendliest to those that instill fear and terror. In this article, we will cover Gengar: how to catch it, its best movesets, and strategies to help you use it effectively in battle.

Who is Gengar

Gengar is a Poison- and Ghost-type fighter that was first introduced in Generation I. This spiky creature, with sharp quills on its back and head, may give the impression of a friendly being, but we advise you not to be fooled by its appearance. Its crimson eyes burn with a thirst for blood, and its eerie grin reveals its true nature.

His true power lies in his ability to remain unseen. This little creature loves hiding in the shadows and using spells against enemies while being someone’s shadow. And when the victim notices something is wrong, he takes great pleasure in the moment when the opponent's eyes start reflecting the horror of what's happening. This Pokémon is not a cute creature, but a true devil! 

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Where to Catch It

One of the most common options is raid bosses. In these raids, you won’t just catch a regular Gengar — you can even obtain its Mega form if you dare to challenge and defeat it.

Another option is exploring the wild. Since Gengar prefers a solitary lifestyle and dislikes humans, it is often found in abandoned areas where people have long since left.

If you don’t want to travel far, there is an easier route — evolution. Simply catch a Gastly and evolve it into Haunter, and then into Gengar. Gastly can only be found during dark hours, meaning late at night after sunset or early in the morning before sunrise.

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Tactics and Movesets

The best moves for Gengar Pokémon GO are Lick and Shadow Ball. Additionally, due to its nature, its abilities are enhanced in foggy and cloudy weather. In raids and Gym defenses, he performs rather poorly, so it's best not to take him for such events — he'll be knocked out early. However, among his type, he performs quite well and is in the A-tier, as he possesses the best moves of his elements. When In the Mega Evolution stage, his attack skyrockets, and within his category, he becomes literally the best fighter.

He is also used in PvP: in the Ultra League, he performs very well and is best used with Shadow Punch, as it helps in battles against shields. Additionally, he has decent coverage and can deal considerable damage in the current meta. In the Great League, use him with caution, as his fragility puts him at a severe disadvantage. As for the Master League, it's best to forget about it, as his low CP makes him an inadequate opponent. 

Remember that if you use this Pokémon, you need to consider its weaknesses, specifically its vulnerability to Dark, Ghost, Ground, and Psychic types. Of course, this creates many limitations, but in return, you get one of the best fighters in the current meta. The same cannot be said for raids and Gym defense — he is completely unsuitable for these activities.

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Gengar is a powerful fighter when it comes to dealing damage. It has excellent attack stats that can easily take down opponents. However, despite its strength, it should not be used as a tank — it’s quite fragile, meaning any strong attack from your opponent could turn the battle against you.

Despite his high speed, he still falls short compared to Pokémon like Raikou and Starmie, which creates certain issues. However, Gengar remains a great choice thanks to his wide coverage, and his Mega form takes him to a whole new level. 

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Gengar in Pokémon GO stands out from most other creatures. We hope this guide has been helpful and that you’ve learned something new. Have you tried catching it yet? Or perhaps you've used it in PvE or PvP battles? Share your experience in the comments!

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