In Infinity Nikki, there are many beautiful wardrobe items, and Specific Shoes are no exception. To me, these shoes are like those of beautiful fairies or forest elves. Take a look at the picture below.
Want a pair like these? I have no doubt you do. Moreover, these shoes will definitely be useful for completing a quest. In this article, I explain how to obtain Floral Stroll.
Where to find Specific Shoes?
The quest is given by an NPC named Narci. Usually, she appears at the location during daytime, so there's no point in going at night to take or complete the mission. Keep this in mind.
Let me warn you right away that you'll need a lot of Bling to complete the quest. Don't panic, because they are not that difficult for the player to obtain. One way is to enter special promo codes. You can find them in one of our articles via the link. They can also be obtained as rewards for quests and leveling up your character. Moreover, they are scattered all over the world.
So, you'll be given a task to find Specific Shoes and bring them to Narci. And I have good news for you: you can buy them, so earlier I advised you to stock up on enough Bling.
We are once again heading to Marques Boutique.
Once again, I’ve attached a screenshot with a map so you don’t get lost or confuse buildings. Actually, Marques Boutique is easy to find: it’s marked with a clothing icon, and next to the entrance stands a mannequin with a dress, around which butterflies fly.
Approach the seller, ask them to show everything available in the store, and select the appropriate section.
Look at such beauty! Some quest items you might not want to buy, but such shoes I immediately wanted.
After this, confidently go to Narci in these shoes and complete the quest.
In this article, we discussed where to find Specific Shoes. It’s simply enough to come to the boutique and buy them to complete the task.
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