In Pokémon GO, there are a vast number of creatures of various types, species, and temperaments. But today, we'd like to talk about the sea giant, Lapras. These deep-sea dwellers with unexpectedly kind hearts have long been beloved by trainers and fans of the franchise.

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Appearance and behavior

Lapras in Pokémon GO is a massive, dinosaur-like creature. It bears a strong resemblance to a plesiosaur, with a similarly long neck, four large flippers, and rounded head features. The body is protected by a hard, spiked shell, while the rest of its skin is smooth, like that of a dolphin.

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Despite its grand size and impressive weight, the character is extremely friendly. Although history tells us that people once hunted these remarkable creatures en masse, leading to their numbers dwindling, Lapras remains loyal to its trainer and follows commands obediently.

Characteristics and abilities

The hero possesses Water and Ice types and resides in the seas. In the Pokédex, this creature is ranked at number 131 and is categorized as a Transport Pokémon. Overall, Lapras has good health and stamina, though it isn't particularly strong in attack. However, trainers still hold this giant in warm regard.

This so-called dinosaur has the following stats:

❤️ health: 277;

💣 attack: 165;

🔱 defense: 174.

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Additionally, Lapras is well-protected against Water and Ice attacks but has reduced resistance to Rock, Electric, and Physical damage. This is something every trainer should keep in mind when considering adding this gentle sea giant to their collection.

Its attacks are centered around the Water element and are more focused on controlling and stunning the opponent rather than delivering instant burst damage. Nevertheless, this Pokémon should not be underestimated in battle!

The monster's abilities have the following stats:

  • Water Gun: 5 power, 0.5 cooldown;
  • Hydro Pump: 130 power, 3.3 cooldown;
  • Frost Breath: 10 power, 0.9 cooldown.

Additionally, Lapras can absorb Water attacks directed at it, thereby restoring its health. And, of course, this dinosaur uses its massive shell to protect itself from attackers.

Evolution and finding Lapras

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Unfortunately, the character in Pokémon GO does not evolve. The character can only be found and caught. Given its affinity with the Water element, players can encounter it in the following locations:

  • near rivers, streams, and lakes;
  • on beaches;
  • close to swimming pools or ice rinks;
  • occasionally in open grassy areas.

Trainers eager to add this valuable fighter to their team should be patient, as Lapras is always in high demand, and with each passing day, they become harder to find!

Interesting facts and references

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In the anime series, the creature appeared on Ash and his friends' team in the fourth episode of the second season. The Pokémon was rescued from bullies and nursed back to health, after which it served as a transporter, helping the group in their travels around the world. However, their journey together ended when Lapras reunited with its kin and returned to the sea.

This character is one of the few Pokémon capable of learning almost all stunning attacks, a highly valuable skill for which many trainers love it. Considering its character and style, this only doubles its popularity among fans.

The inspiration for Lapras was the legendary Loch Ness Monster, said to inhabit the lake of the same name in Scotland. According to unconfirmed reports, it is not a mythical creature but a plesiosaur or its descendant that survived to modern times. To date, there is no definitive proof or disproof of the Nessie myth.

If you're determined to add the hero to a collection, you won't regret it! This gentle giant will become a reliable companion and bring joy to your journey. It’s no wonder that in the original anime, Lapras became one of Ash’s most loyal friends, contributing to one of the warmest story arcs in the entire series.

Main image by Ensigame