Magical liquids in Minecraft can provide various effects, ranging from health restoration to invisibility. In our article, we’ll cover all about Minecraft potions. You’ll learn what ingredients are needed to create these mystical elixirs and how to make a special stand for brewing them.
How to make a brewing stand in Minecraft?
A brewing stand is essential for potion-making, so your first task is to create or find one. In a generated world, this item can be found in End City, in the dungeons of Igloos, and in the homes of priests in villages. These often contain several pre-made elixirs.
Image: Ensigame
To make this thing, a player needs three cobblestones + one blaze rod, which can be obtained by killing a blaze in the Nether. They usually reside in Nether fortresses. Escaping alive can be quite challenging in the early stages of the game, so it’s important for players to prepare well.
To craft the item, place the cobblestones in a horizontal line in the bottom or middle row. The blaze rod is placed in the central cell above the middle or top line.
Image: Ensigame
In the brewing stand, there are three slots for bottles, one for an ingredient, and a place for fuel. Blaze powder serves as this fuel. To make the component, the user only needs a blaze rod, so when they are in the Nether, be sure to kill plenty of blazes: otherwise, you’ll end up with very few special substances.
Image: Ensigame
How to make magical potions?
Before diving into the recipes, it's important for players to know the basics of liquid production in Minecraft. These are consumable items that can be drunk or thrown to apply effects to oneself, other gamers, or creatures. The results range from health restoration to invisibility. Some of them have a specific duration, after which they cease to affect the creature.
The base is a water bottle, which is made by filling a glass bottle with water from natural sources or cauldrons. To create the glass version, the player must place three pieces of glass on the crafting table as follows: one in the central cell of the bottom row, and one each in the left, right cells of the middle row. To make glass, sand must be melted in a furnace.
Image: Ensigame
Nether wart is necessary for the player to brew an awkward drink, which is almost essential for all other potions. Nether wart is primarily found in nether fortresses and can even be grown on soul sand. If you want to engage in what is effectively alchemy, it would be wise to create such plots near a home.
Image: Ensigame
To create magical liquids, a gamer needs a multitude of ingredients — from spider eyes to pufferfish.
Once you have gathered all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to master the art of potion brewing. The process involves several steps.
The user must fill the slots for the bottles by placing water bottles in them. With just one ingredient, you can brew either one or all three potions in Minecraft in the same amount of time, so it's best to always fill all three bottle slots.
Image: Ensigame
Add the primary component in the top cell. Initially, this will be nether wart, as we need to obtain an awkward drink. It does not have any effects by itself but is necessary for the production of other magical liquids.
Blaze powder goes into the upper left slot for fuel. Once everything else is in place, the production of drinks will begin. You’ll need to wait twenty seconds. When the elixirs are ready, a sound signal will occur.
Image: Ensigame
Now, in the same way, the player can create other substances using an awkward potion instead of a water bottle. All other possible components replace nether wart, depending on which the liquids will acquire different results.
Players can enhance elixirs with additional ingredients. Glowstone dust improves the potency of the drink, while redstone extends the effect's duration. In the names of the first, "II" appears, and in the second, "+". A magical mix above the second level can only be achieved using console commands, so we will not discuss them in our article.
However, you can read another of our materials, which explains how a gamer can use potions to make arrows.
Image: Ensigame
If you want to make a splash water bottle, add gunpowder to a water bottle. Nether wart is also needed to obtain an awkward splash potion.
Image: Ensigame
After using a magical drink, keep the bottles because they can be reused.
Potions with positive effects
Regeneration — restores eighteen HP units over time (one unit every two and a half seconds).
The enhanced version speeds up the process, so the effect ends quicker. The "+" version's action lasts twice as long, thus restoring twice as much health.
It’s created from a healing ghast tear. To heal, gamers will have to undergo a truly hellish ordeal in the form of destroying a whole horde of ghasts.
Image: Ensigame
Swiftness — increases speed, jump distance by 20% and also expands the field of vision for three minutes. The effect of the enhanced version is twice as strong but lasts half as long. The "+" version extends the duration to eight minutes. Sugar is required for brewing.
Image: Ensigame
Fire Resistance — grants immunity to damage from fire, lava for three minutes, which is extremely useful in the Nether and caves. The "+" version of the potion lasts for eight minutes. To brew it, magma cream is needed.
Image: Ensigame
Healing — instantly restores four HP units. The enhanced elixir restores eight units. The substance is created using a glistering melon slice.
Image: Ensigame
Leaping — increases jump height, reduces fall damage for three minutes. Enhancing it doubles the power but halves the duration. The "+" version increases the duration to eight minutes. A rabbit’s foot is required for brewing.
Image: Ensigame
Strength — increases melee damage for three minutes. The enhanced mixture is twice as effective but lasts for half the time. The "+" version lasts for eight minutes. Blaze powder is needed for creation, seemingly transferring strength from the mighty blaze. Any other correlation is hard to discern.
Image: Ensigame
Night Vision — allows the player to see better in the dark for three minutes, and with redstone, for a full eight minutes. The magical liquid is created using a golden carrot.
Image: Ensigame
Water Breathing — enables swimming without worrying about air for three minutes. Redstone extends the effect to eight minutes. To brew this substance, the user needs a pufferfish, which can be caught with a fishing rod in bodies of water.
Image: Ensigame
Invisibility — grants the gamer the effect of invisibility. However, any armor on the character and items held in the hands will still be visible. Unless you approach someone closely, you’re likely to remain undetected. The "+" version of the action lasts for eight minutes instead of the standard three. To make this potion, add fermented spider eye to the night vision.
Image: Ensigame
Slow Falling — allows the character to fall from any height without taking damage for one and a half minutes. Adding redstone increases the duration to four minutes. The substance can only be created using a phantom membrane.
Image: Ensigame
Luck — the effect is similar to the Luck enchantment. You’ll receive more resources when mining minerals and when killing mobs. This result is only obtainable through a console command.
Image: Ensigame
Potions with negative effects
Poison — works similarly to regeneration but inversely, depleting health and doing so twice as powerfully. Enhanced/"+" variants operate under the same principle as regeneration drinks but poison rather than heal. To prepare the potion, a spider eye is needed.
Image: Ensigame
Weakness — reduces the damage dealt by the character. All versions of the item are similar to the strength elixir but with the opposite effect and are slightly more powerful than their base. This concoction is created by adding fermented spider eye to a water bottle.
Image: Ensigame
Slowness — slows movement by 15% for one and a half minutes. The "+" variant lasts four minutes. The enhanced item slows by 60%. The best elixir is created by adding fermented spider eye to a swiftness elixir.
Image: Ensigame
Harming — instantly reduces health by six units. The enhanced potion deals twelve units of health damage. To make this drink, add fermented spider eye to a healing drink.
Image: Ensigame
Potions with mixed effects
Turtle Master — slows movement by 60% while also reducing damage taken by 60%. The action lasts just twenty seconds. The "+" version doubles the duration. The enhanced variant slows by 90% and reduces damage taken by 80%. The ingredient is a turtle shell.
Image: Ensigame
Now you know how to brew potions. Some of them require hard-to-obtain ingredients, but the results can help in even more challenging situations. For example, players should stock up on a whole array of elixirs before heading to the End.
Magical potions are incredibly useful in any adventurer’s arsenal. They can assist in a variety of situations — from restoring HP to hurling poison at enemies!
Main image by Easy Diffusion