To survive in the wild, the player will have to put in a lot of effort. Apples are good, of course, but such a diet in the world of Minecraft won't lead to anything good. To gain more HP, you need more substantial food.
Fishing in games has a special atmosphere. The sound of water, peace, and quiet — it's a true paradise. Just don't stay until sunset, or you might become a snack! Of course, you'll need a fishing rod for this. Let's make one together.
How to make a fishing rod in Minecraft?
You won't find durable and lightweight plastic in the cubic world, so we'll use wood. The player can't make a rugged item from a log, so the character needs to get sticks. Sticks drop from trees and can also be crafted using a crafting table. You only need 2 wooden planks.
Now, either we start hitting the water with a stick hoping to stun the fish or we look for a line. Naturally, we choose the second option. You'll need cobwebs. The hero won't have to search for spiders for long since they appear at night or inhabit dark caves. To create a fishing rod, you'll need 2 strings.
Great! Use the crafting table, place 3 sticks and 2 strings in the crafting grid.
Done! Now the character should head to the water.
How to use a fishing rod?
It's very simple. Approach the water, press the left mouse button to cast the line.
As in real life, the bobber will disappear when the fish start biting. Press the left button again.
The player can catch not only the desired fish but also interesting items from the water. For example, enchanted gear or tools.
Now, let's look at how the player can make the our thing even better.
What enchantments to use for fishing rods in Minecraft?
To improve the item, use an enchanting table or find enchanted books. Here are the enchantments we recommend:
- Luck of the Sea III — catch more rare items!
- Lure III — fish bite much faster.
- Mending — experience gained from fishing repairs the rod.
- Unbreaking III — gives durability to the tool.
Now you're ready to go on so-called relaxation. See you by the rivers and lakes. Good luck!
Main image by DALL-E