Tekken 8, the long-awaited installment, has taken this fighting game series to a new level. Fights have become even more colorful and spirited thanks to the new UE5 engine, while the gameplay itself hasn’t changed drastically but has become more captivating. A separate lobby with a leaderboard gives players an extra incentive to perfect their skills, preferably with a character they are already familiar with.
Image: de.bandainamcoent.eu Reina stands out as one of the strongest characters in Tekken 8. Her aggressive playstyle makes her a deadly opponent, yet she does not disrupt the balance. With great power comes high complexity, which may intimidate newcomers. In this guide, we will explain how to utilize Reina in combat and which combinations lead to the best outcomes.
Gameplay fundamentals
Reina is characterized by her explosive temperament. She engages in aggressive and rapid combat, circling her opponent and delivering lethal strikes. In the hands of a professional, Reina becomes a formidable opponent, but she might be challenging for a beginner to master. The reason lies in her notably weak low moves, a fact well-known to experienced players who exploit this weakness.
Best combinations
To facilitate the use of combinations across all platforms, we’ve simplified the control layout. This way, the description of moves will be universal for both console and PC users.
- F, D, U, B — Forward, Down, Up, Back
- DF/DB — Diagonal forward and down/Diagonal backward and down
- 1 — Left Punch (■ / X)
- 2 — Right Punch (▲ / Y)
- 3 — Left Kick (X / A)
- 4 — Right Kick (● / B)
- 1+2/D+4 — Instant press
With this setup, you’ll immediately grasp what needs to be pressed. Now, onto the most crucial advice — learn to play against live opponents. Yes, we understand that beginners might fear online battles.
It’s essential to realize that it’s just a game, not a street fight. Defeat isn’t the end; the primary goal is to gain experience and enjoy the game. Fighting a bot won’t teach you to memorize combinations and act as quickly. Trust us, in the heat of battle with a player, you’ll remember tactics on the fly.
(DF1,1) Musho Tensho — quick mid/high jab
As mentioned earlier, Reina’s combat style revolves around quick strikes. Due to their speed, they inflict more damage than powerful attacks. This technique delivers rapid damage, and the second strike in the combination is guaranteed.
Image: playstationlifestyle.net
The opponent might try to block the second hit, but you can cleverly change the jab to a medium by altering the combination to DF1, 2. This particular combination turns the attack into a Heat Engager.
(DB2) Eisaimon — low strike
This combination is used to punish players who fail to dodge strikes. Reina’s low strikes are weak, but this one can deal significant damage to an inattentive player. We recommend starting with a probing strike to test the opponent’s reaction. The attack is quite fast, so you won’t receive many counterstrikes in return.
If the opponent fails to block your technique, you can frequently use DB2 to inflict continuous damage, but exercise caution. Do not get too confident with your opponent, as if they decipher your strategy, Reina will take a hit to her delicate face.
(FF2) Raiden — medium strike
This combination is very comfortable due to the safe distance it provides. The main feature of this technique is the transition into the Sentai stance. To do this, execute a series of FF2 strikes, then hold F.
In the Sentai stance, a multitude of opportunities for dealing damage opens up. The combination 1+2 becomes powerful and effective here. For a Heat Engager, press 3, and for a daring low sweep, the combination is 3+4. You can also irritate your opponent and employ a sneaky move — a sudden throw with the combination 1+3 or 2+4.
(112) Flash Punch Combo — quick strikes to interrupt the opponent's attacks
An excellent way to counter your opponent's audacity. A series of quick strikes won't knock them off their feet but will interrupt their attacks and push them back. However, don't constantly spam this technique. If the first two strikes are safe for you, during the third strike, Reina is vulnerable. The last strike is not guaranteed if you missed earlier.
(FF3) Trailokya Splits Kick — overhead kick
There might be situations where the opponent goes into a block, making them hard to reach. For such cases, Reina has a splendid combination: FF3. An overhead thermal kick will deal damage by penetrating the opponent's lower block and also reach the target if they are crouching. The strike is slow, but safe for you, even if it was parried.
(B4) Ebi-geri — defense against high attacks
Image: guiltybit.com
The B4 combination will protect you against high attacks from your opponent. Since this technique is activated only upon an opponent's attack, it is safe if blocked. Once you apply the combination, Reina will begin to dodge and strike back.
(D3+4, 4) Kasho Maki-manji — mid/high string
A risky combination, as it can result in receiving significant damage in return. However, it's worth trying for the colossal damage potential. Everything depends on the opponent and their reaction. The advantage is that the strike is low, but if the combination D3+4 doesn't connect, there will be no follow-up strike. If executed as a counterattack, the damage will be staggering.
(UF1) Seigan Ugachi — Quick Overhead Strike
This combo is safe, after which Reina enters the Stance of Heavenly Wrath. If you time it correctly and execute this move as a counterattack, it will deal tremendous damage and the attack will be thermal. Later, in the Stance of Heavenly Wrath, you can use throws 1+3 and 2+4.
(B2) Sin Smiter — quick strike on a dodging opponent
Image: blog.playstation.com
If an opponent consistently dodges to the side against you, they can be reached with the B2 combination. It's an excellent quick and safe strike for mid-range.
(F, neutral, D, DF+2) EWGF — quick uppercut, knocks opponent off their feet
The most complex move in Reina's arsenal, yet incredibly cool. In some matches, using this move is even frowned upon, but it's fair game in a normal fight. EWGF knocks the opponent off their feet, deals significant damage, and is completely safe for you.
The difficulty lies in the very strict timing. Each strike must be performed at a specific moment, for example, the DF+2 combination must be pressed simultaneously. Some players spend months perfecting this technique.
Example combination
We have considered the techniques individually. It's worth looking at an example of how you will apply this in battle. Initially, it's advisable to try simple combinations that will forgive your mistakes: DF2, DF1, DF4, 2+3, DF3, 1+4. If you have been patient and mastered the EWGF technique, it's worth starting with it to enhance damage and control: F, neutral, D, DF+2, DF1, DF4, 2+3, DF3, 1+4.
Should you start playing with Reina
Reina is a very strong character, but beginners may find it difficult to control the fight. Her playstyle is based on reaction speed and aggression, but every mistake will be punishable. Reina has light quick strikes, but her main move, EWGF, is very difficult to execute. Essentially, Reina is one of the most challenging characters in the game, so if you are completely unfamiliar with Tekken 8, it might be better to start with a simpler fighter to control.
Main image: Tekken 8