In the world of video games, mods play a significant role, especially when it comes to iconic projects like Resident Evil 4 Remake. Since its release, the project has captured the hearts of fans, but for those looking to add even more emotions, enhancements, and unique details, there’s a whole universe of modifications.

In this article, I’ve gathered 15 of the best mods for RE4 Remake that will help players make every adventure of the main characters even more thrilling and fresh.

Max Stack Sizes - 999

Max Stack Sizes 999Image: 

Personally, I’ve always wished items could stack much higher—three, four, or even a hundred times more. With this mod, your inventory will stay organized, and you won’t have to deal with the chaos of cleaning it up or frantically searching for a health potion at a critical moment.

This mod will help you forget about clutter entirely. Finally, your inventory will have a clean, logical system with a proper arrangement for all your items.

Health Bars

Health BarsImage: 

Finally! Now you can see how much HP is left on each enemy. You’re shooting at a creature, and it just won’t die. You start wondering—how tough is this thing, and when will its health finally drop to zero?

This mod provides an HP bar that appears above the enemies’ heads. It makes the game much easier, letting you know exactly how many more shots or hits it will take to defeat them.

Shirtless Leon

Shirtless LeonImage: 

Leon Kennedy has captured many hearts. He’s brave, rugged, and undeniably cool! Why not make him even cooler? This mod removes the upper clothing of the main character. For some, it might make the game more interesting. Either way, this modification ranks among the most downloaded mods.



I’m terrible at navigating spaces—both in games and in real life. The early locations in Resident Evil made me nervous because I couldn’t figure out where to go or how to get there. Everything looked the same and unfamiliar. Then you have to go back, and forward again! It’s so frustrating!

For people like me, teleportation is essential. While it’s not in the base game, there’s a fantastic mod that not only allows teleportation but also saves your data.

Some areas only load after you pass certain checkpoints.

Pokeball for Small Grenade

Pokeball for Small GrenadeImage: 

Regular grenades are too mundane and boring. But replacing them with a Pokeball? Now that’s much more interesting! If you’re a fan of the PokĂ©mon universe, you’ll love this mod. Or if you just want to add a touch of humor to lighten the otherwise dark atmosphere, this mod is perfect.

Visible Bear Traps

Visible Bear TrapsImage: 

This is my personal pain point: I can’t see bear traps. Granted, they’re not supposed to be easily noticeable, but it’s frustrating when the main character steps into one.

This brilliant mod makes bear traps more visible. Now they’ll be easier to spot, so you won’t end up caught while in the heat of battle or running away from vicious monsters.

Keanu Reeves

Keanu ReevesImage: 

Leon is undoubtedly great, but maybe you’d like a different main character. Why not replace him with Keanu Reeves? He’s also super cool and would fit perfectly into the RE setting, making the game even more exciting to play.

Ashley Schoolgirl

Ashley SchoolgirlImage: 

Ashley is about 16 years old according to the story, so it would make sense to dress her in a school uniform. In my opinion, it looks appropriate. This mod won’t ruin the overall atmosphere and adds some variety to her outfits.

Tactical Weapon Pack REloaded

Tactical Weapon Pack REloadedImage: 

In the game, we use weapons almost every minute. This mod provides a whole pack of upgraded weapons that you definitely won’t find in the original RE4 Remake.

Knife Customization

Knife CustomizationImage: 

The game lacks variety in knife designs. There are only a couple of models, and they don’t look cool enough for our badass hero. It’s time to fix this injustice and let Leon wield a selection of stylish knives.

This mod adds new models of melee weapons. A small detail, but a nice one!

RE4 Re - Natural Clarity ReShades

RE4 Re Natural Clarity ReShadesImage: 

Fixing the lighting wouldn’t hurt either since the game often looks too dark. This mod makes the graphics slightly more vibrant. Just take a look at the comparison image above to feel the difference.

Easier Puzzles

Easier PuzzlesImage: 

Do the puzzles seem too hard? It’s time to fix that by downloading this mod. If you just want to relax and not overthink how to complete certain tasks, this improvement is perfect for you!

No More Quests

No More QuestsImage: 

The side quests, to be honest, aren’t exactly annoying but can feel distracting from the main storyline. Constantly searching for blue medallions, snakes, or other items can be tiresome. This mod removes all of that, thanks to the talented modders who created this masterpiece.

No Crosshair Bloom Spread

No Crosshair Bloom SpreadImage: 

No more crosshair blur. The aim is now set just right, making it much more convenient. This ensures that your character can hit targets with precision.

Ada's RE4 Dress

Adas RE4 DressImage: 

We’ve already given Leon and Ashley new outfits, so now it’s Ada’s turn. Her elegant red dress looks absolutely stunning and adds a touch of sophistication to her appearance.

These were the 15 best mods for Resident Evil 4 Remake. Hopefully, many of them will make your gameplay more enjoyable and exciting!

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