Hey, what's that crackling sound? Why is my hair standing on end in all directions? It seems like there's high voltage around… Of course! Today we'll talk about Electric type Pokémon — one of the most popular classes thanks to a little yellow hamster we all know and love.
Image: nassit.org
We've already covered the Ice kind. Now it's time to discuss a more mainstream representative from this fascinating world. You shouldn't joke with these creatures, as they can't control their emotions. But they're so cute!
So, let’s introduce the top 20 best smartphone chargers! Just kidding. Let's talk about the weaknesses, advantages of Pokémon Electric type and choose the best fighters.
Image: pokemon.fandom.com
For those who are afraid of insects, it’s best not to linger on this one. An appearance alone tells us that we’re dealing with a Bug/Electric type. See those jaws sharp as blades? They're not just for show. Vikavolt also has wings, and they aren’t just for beauty. The creature can fly, which means the character has immunity to ground element attacks.
However, as a bug, it has weaknesses inherent to nature — vulnerability to fire + rock. But the warrior is strong against its kind, giving it an advantage.
Image: artstation.com
It’s hard to imagine how a hybrid of a chicken and a dragon came about… Of course, it’s thanks to Generation VIII, where artists began to bring the boldest fantasies to life. Again, design says a lot: Pokémon has a dual type. This ancient fossil isn't at all scary.
The monster has excellent defense, so the pet can serve as a protector, but it suffers from ground, ice, magic, attacks from other dragons.
Image: utlas.net
Yes, people with arachnophobia will find it tough. A slipper definitely won’t help against this spider unless the player has giant feet. However, there's no need to fear the creature, as Galvantula, despite fearsome appearance, is quite friendly and will never attack without a reason.
The spider shocks prey with electricity, generating static electricity. It's not strong in defense, but it boasts decent speed and agility.
Image: hpnonline.org
Everyone loves cats, but this one is better not petted, as it can crisp you to a crunchy crust. Zeraora is a mythical Pokémon, so it does not have an evolutionary path. Moreover, it does not generate electricity internally but uses the environment instead.
In battle, the creature is noted for incredible speed and agility. Damage is dealt not only with lightning but also with the strike of sharp claws.
Image: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
This spry lizard makes a great addition to any collection. It may look silly and defenseless, but appearances can be deceiving. Heliolisk hits hard, but its main advantage lies in speed. The warrior moves lightning-fast and can also learn Surf.
Another notable feature is immunity to Ghost type moves. See a ghost in front of you? This lizard can handle it!
Tapu Koko
Image: pokemon.fandom.com
The Electric/Fairy Pokémon cannot be simply called a little bird. In fact, it's the guardian deity of Alola's Melemele Island. Naturally, in the games, the fighter has a robust defense. Also, Tapu Koko possesses one of the key features of the Electric type — speed!
The warrior can hide in a shell to protect against damage, but there’s something even better — an electric field. It's not hard to guess that in the energy sphere, the power of all creatures of this kind increases, and damage is dealt to enemies. However, the bird suffers from poison, ground attacks.
Image: cbr.com
Each of the creatures mentioned above has been awarded the title "Fast." However, compared to this character, they are standing still. The Electric dog is one of the fastest creatures in the universe!
Think that’s cool? It gets even better! Manectric has an ultimate mega evolution, making it nearly invulnerable as a fighter. Add a coating of "Fire", "Ice" to get protection from lightning. The only fear the dog has is of the Ground type.
Image: reddit.com
The parade of the world's best Pokémon continues with a living bundle of wires. The hero is incredibly dangerous, possessing the highest attack statistic among its brethren. It seems that Electric types truly rule the world...
Xurkitree has virtually no downsides due to colossal energy + damage output. However, it has a weakness to the ground.
Image: screenrant.com
If a genie were to find itself in the universe, they would look exactly like this. However, Thundurus is not a friendly blue fun-lover. It’s better not to encounter the hero. The creature can be called the evil god of storms, which it partially is. The downright nasty character allows the animal to destroy entire villages without a twinge of conscience.
Under the control of a professional trainer, the fighter becomes a terrifying killing machine, as the hero has incredible attack speed, significant damage. Vulnerable to stone, ice.
Image: gmodz.ru
Few would want to see a black armored dragon outside their window. This legendary dual type Pokémon possesses immense power due to not having any alternate forms. However, there is no need to fear this character. Unlike the previous villain, Zekrom is very insightful and is meant to protect human ideals, guiding them towards the true path.
Image: pokemon.fandom.com
There have been many debates about who is stronger... Raichu evolves from the most popular Pokémon in the world, whom we will discuss further. This battle-ready electric hamster has excellent characteristics. To be honest, in some respects, it surpasses Ash’s faithful partner.
The more powerful skills like Wild Charge and Thunder Punch also provide advantages, but its vulnerability to ground attacks remains.
Image: barleythething.fandom.com
An electric steel monster from older generations. However, it is worth highlighting all the warrior's predecessors. Magnezone was created through evolution in a rare magnetic field, gaining an incredible combination of high resistance to attacks and high damage.
Whenever you face a Steel type in battle, just imagine your opponent's face and have fun, as your fighter will not let the enemy escape. The magnetism ability will destroy any metal.
Image: pokedex-br.fandom.com
The combination with the Dark type is always sensational! For appearance alone, this "lion" is worth adding to any collection. Of course, it's not just about the beauty but also about the characteristics. Luxray has a high damage stat and is considered an excellent attacker. To balance such power, the creature has a downside — rapid energy consumption.
Image: wallpapers.com
Those who have seen a living ice refrigerator will no longer be surprised. Yes, it's a washing machine acting as a soldier in the arena. Just imagine what would happen if it activates turbo-spin mode…
Seriously, Rotom-Wash possesses strong resistance thanks to special specs, although HP is not very impressive. On the other hand, the fighter only really fears Grass type opponents. All ground creatures will suffer due to STAB Hydro Pump/Levitate abilities.
Image: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
Do you find bees cute? Certainly, they're fluffy and quite harmless. But what would happen if you crossed a bee with the Hulk? You'd end up with such an interesting monster! This powerful, massive monster boasts high levels of attack and defense. Thanks to strong arms, it can not only unleash lightning but also deliver a charged punch. Electivire may not be the best, but it will definitely be a useful addition to any team.
Image: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
Who do we have here that loves to sleep? Before you stand the most unusual Electric type Pokémon, because it is incredibly slow! So why is this sloth on the list of the best? Because the fighter is incredibly fierce and strong! Better not to irritate Ampharos, as the warrior possesses a serious attack. However, the fighter can protect itself, as it has special skills.
Ultimately, we get one of the most balanced soldiers. The creature has only one downside — speed.
Image: pokemon.fandom.com
A mighty beast, the harbinger of storms, the protector of all kin! Raikou is called upon to assist any Electric Pokémon. At that moment, any opponent will feel the wrath.
The storm lion is capable of flying, which makes the hero invulnerable to some Ground type attacks. The character has an incredible defense. Any trainer should be proud to have such a guardian in their collection.
Image: pokemonreturnofthechampion.fandom.com
One of the Legendary Birds of Kanto. When a storm rages and flashes appear in the black sky, Zapdos takes flight. The bright yellow bird fears no storm, as it grows stronger with each strike of lightning.
Thanks to its ability to fly, this electric phoenix has a rare immunity to ground among kindred. The strong attacks, speed are balanced by a vulnerability to Ice/Rock type moves.
Image: pinterest.com
You were waiting for this hero! The cute yellow hamster (or mouse?) is the most popular Pokémon in the world and rightfully considered one of the best.
But why not the first place? First, because there is no clear rotation in the list. It simply highlights the top 20 of this species. Second, the leader will definitely please you, and it is unequivocally stronger than any present here.
As for the adorable Pikachu, all abilities are well-balanced. The fighter is reasonably strong, possesses telepathy, and boasts high speed. At the same time, defense is not the animal's strong suit.
Image: pinterest.com
Fans definitely knew who would be the best. The appearance of this monster on the screen sent unpleasant shivers down everyone’s body. The cool, small, incredibly dangerous killer can withstand any Electric Pokémon. The secret lies in energy absorption: Jolteon takes in lightning without damage and redirects it back to the enemy.
It is invulnerable before all kin. Representatives of other species should also beware of the yellow predator, as the creature is incredibly fast and powerful.
Who do you think should be on this list? Share your choice in the comments!
Main image by DALL-E