The new season began with the addition of Fantastic Four characters! It's hard to imagine anyone getting tired of a whole 33 heroes in a month, and developers are already delighting players with an entirely new quartet. Two of them are already in the game, and the others will be added later.
Who Are the New Heroes?
The first to be added were Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman. Thing and Human Torch will join the team later: they will serve as a tank and a duelist, respectively. They will also be part of the Team-Up Fantastic Four.
Team-Up enhances Invisible Woman's healing, and Mister Fantastic gains an ability that, when activated, quickly restores lost health.
Invisible Woman
At the moment, there are relatively few support characters in the game, so the addition of Invisible Woman pleasantly diversifies the gameplay for fans of this role.
Her attacks can pass through any number of characters, dealing damage to opponents and restoring health to allies. This is very effective when shooting into a crowd. The maximum range of her shots is not very large, so you should always be near your teammates.
Who would have thought, but Invisible Woman can become invisible. To do this, she needs to not use abilities, not attack, and not be attacked for 6 seconds. It takes a long time, so it is rarely applicable. However, during invisibility, she heals.
A more effective way to become invisible is a double jump. An effective way to escape dangers. It's worth saving it for such cases, so as not to be left without a way to retreat in the middle of battle.
Pressing the right mouse button sets a shield in front of the selected ally. It is fragile, so it's best to place it in front of duelists and constantly move it to those who are injured because it heals those around.
She can also attract and repel opponents. Repelling is mainly used for self-defense, for example, before jumping to the side. Attracting helps nearby allies catch up with an opponent to attack them.
Invisible Woman can shoot a sphere that pulls opponents into the area and deals damage. A good tool for blocking narrow passages and dealing additional damage to crowds of enemies.
If you make 3 consecutive melee attacks, she will push opponents away in front of her. Most often useless, as during this time she will be killed. It's better to use repelling on "E" or escape with a double jump.
Her ultimate ability places an area where the team can heal and be invisible. Useful, but since this zone does not move, opponents can shoot several strong area attacks to instantly kill everyone inside.
Overall, Invisible Woman turned out to be balanced. She does not surpass Luna Snow and Mantis, but is close to them in effectiveness. Playing her can be difficult, but her abilities allow for tactical maneuvers and help the team well.
Mister Fantastic
Mister Fantastic turned out to be a rather amusing character. Otherwise, it could not have turned out due to the specifics of his superpower.
Mister Fantastic's strikes reach enemies at medium range, and if you aim to the side during an attack, his fists will hit anyone they come across on the way.
When using abilities and attacks, the meter fills up. When it reaches maximum, the hero automatically switches to an inflated form, in which he deals more damage and becomes much more durable.
"Shift" allows switching to a form in which the character absorbs damage for a few seconds and then releases the damage received with a shot.
Mister Fantastic can attract characters, gaining a shield for a time. When attracting, an ally gets a shield, and if it's an opponent, damage. A good way to move around the battlefield and increase survivability.
By pressing the right mouse button, he stretches out his arm, and if it hits an opponent, he immobilizes them. Then you can either pull them to yourself or grab another opponent and throw them into the air together.
With his ultimate ability, Mister Fantastic jumps and then hits an area, dealing damage and slowing opponents. If he hits at least one, he repeats the above. Very similar to Bucky's ultimate, but often less effective.
Mister Fantastic turned out to be something between a duelist and a tank. He is strong, but not as much as the top heroes at the moment.
Impressions of both heroes are positive. It is evident that the developers are striving to make new characters unique. We look forward to further additions during the season.
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