Welcome to all lovers of the underground depths and valuable ores! Mines, quarries, pits, caves — these will all become like home in a cubic world. Even those who have never played Minecraft know well that digging here is often more frequent than building. If you've always considered yourself a dwarf at heart, then this title will be paradise!
Image: allinminecraft.org
Punching through the thickness of rock with fists is not the best idea. If the character survives this, the player will definitely need to bandage a finger and change a couple of gaming mice. We don't need that, so get comfortable and prepare to gain fundamental knowledge. In our guide, we’ll tell you how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft, what types of tools there are, and how they differ.
How to make a wooden pickaxe in Minecraft?
Image: mokokil.com
So, you find yourself in a charming open world, have managed to procure food, build your first wooden house. The square sun warms the square head, cubic pigs scurry around. Everything is wonderful, but what should the virtual person do next? There's wood, earth, water, food — all of it. Right, it's time to head underground!
Within the stone's thickness lies everything needed for further development: coal, ore, various types of soil, and even treasures! If you dig even deeper, the player may enter a flaming realm of lava, dreadful creatures.
For this, you'll need a pickaxe. Start with a wooden tool. We assume our player already has a crafting table. If not, go into inventory and place 4 blocks of planks in the crafting area.
Image: lifewire.com
Excellent! We open the crafting table. In Minecraft, this system is well-developed, so for an item, you'll need a handle, the main element. For the handle, use two sticks. They’re made from two blocks of wood.
Image: i.ytimg.com
Then, place a stick in the center, and above it lay out 3 blocks of wood planks. The outlines already resemble a tool or the letter "T". Don't get it mixed up, or you'll end up with a plunger instead.
Image: thetechedvocate.org
The primary tool of the game is ready!
What types of pickaxes are there in Minecraft?
We've already seen how characters embark on conquering dungeons and mining ore. But soon, something went wrong. Blocks are destroyed so quickly that you could watch a favorite series in the meantime. The wooden thing breaks so often that all reserves are depleted! Some blocks can't be destroyed at all! What kind of horror is this?!
It's time to replace the tool. Those who have seen screenshots are already wondering, how to make a diamond pickaxe in Minecraft? It's the most powerful (not true) tool! The answer is the same as with the wooden variant. Simply replace wood planks with diamond blocks!
Image: sketchfab.com
In the same way, any tool or weapon, such as a sword or shovel, is created. The handle remains the same: only the material of the main element changes. Replace wood with iron to get an iron pickaxe. This is important because better tools inflict more damage on blocks. Also, they are much more durable.
Let's look at the types of this tool and characteristics. For simplicity, we'll just list the material + the numbers for Attack damage/Durability.
- Wooden: 2/59;
- Golden: 2/32 (the thing is fragile, but very fast!);
- Stone: 3/131;
- Iron: 4/250;
- Diamond: 5/1561;
- Netherite: 6/2031 (the strongest!).
How to enhance a pickaxe in Minecraft?
Image: minecraft.fandom.com
Now that we've created the necessary item, it's time to enhance it with magic. This is a topic for a separate guide, but we’ll list the enchantments that will surely come in handy for any miner:
- Efficiency — dig with the speed of lightning!
- Fortune — you're in luck today, as more valuable ore is mined.
- Mending — why throw away an item when you can repair it?
- Silk Touch — a gentle strike with the pickaxe will mine the most fragile block.
- Unbreaking — one tool for eternity! It’ll never break.
With this guide, you are ready to conquer the underground depths, because there is great knowledge on how to make a pickaxe in Minecraft. Dig, mine, build your own mines with a railway! By the way, we have a guide on this topic. Good luck to players in search of diamonds!
Main image by DALL-E