In this article, we will discuss the 15 best Pokémon for PVP battles in the Master League of Pokémon Go and the teams you can build. However, keep in mind that there are no perfect team setups, as due to the game’s balance, you can never be sure which fighters your opponent will choose.
- Type: Psychic
- ATK: 300
- DEF: 182
- STA: 214
- Max CP: 4724
Mewtwo is one of the best Pokémon when it comes to PVP battles in the Master League. Just take a look — it has incredible base stats, and its Psystrikes are fast and devastating. This Pokémon has great potential in battles against opponents like Zarude, Dialga, and Melmetal, defeating them with Focus Blast, and Giratina is afraid of Shadow Ball. Moreover, with Ice Beam, you can deal significant damage to Dragon, Ground, and Flying-type Pokémon, which will be useful in battles against Groudon and Yveltal. Mewtwo is a powerful and versatile fighter who will be welcome in any team.
- Type: Fire/Flying
- ATK: 239
- DEF: 244
- STA: 214
- Max CP: 4367
Ho-Oh is made for PVP battles in the Master League! Its Fire/Flying typing gives it protection against Ground, Fairy, and Fighting-type attacks, which makes tough opponents like Groudon, Metagross, and Zacian no problem on the battlefield. However, Ho-Oh struggles with shields, and you should be cautious when battling against Kyogre, Giratina, Melmetal, Zekrom, and Palkia. If you have Ho-Oh, pair it with Zygarde (Complete Forme) and Palkia (Origin Forme) for a strong team.
- Type: Steel/Dragon
- ATK: 275
- DEF: 211
- STA: 205
- Max CP: 4565
If you are a serious PVP player in the Master League, you will definitely want to add Dialga to your team. With its high stats, this Pokémon can defeat most opponents, except for the most unfavorable matchups. Like Mewtwo, Dialga is a versatile fighter who will be welcome in any team, as it will be a tough opponent for most Pokémon in our top list.
Giratina (Origin Forme)
- Type: Ghost/Dragon
- ATK: 225
- DEF: 187
- STA: 284
- Max CP: 4164
For PVP in the Master League, Giratina in its Origin Forme performs best in battle. It has no problem with Steel-type Pokémon (except Dialga), as well as Ho-Oh and Kyogre. Moreover, it is the only Dragon-type Pokémon that performs well in battle against Zacian! Don’t forget to include Shadow Claw or Shadow Ball in your move set, as few Pokémon have resistance to Ghost-type moves, though diversity is also important. If you want to add Giratina-O to your team, consider pairing it with Steel and Fairy-type Pokémon.
Zacian—Hero of Many Battles
- Type: Fairy
- ATK: 254
- DEF: 236
- STA: 192
- Max CP: 4329
The combination of Fairy typing and the ability to crush Steel-type Pokémon quickly made Zacian popular after its introduction in the Master League. Dragon and Dark-type opponents can hardly do anything against Zacian’s power. The only ones who can compete with it are Metagross and Venusaur, but you’re unlikely to encounter them often on the battlefield. Zacian’s main drawback is difficulties in prolonged battles, but this weakness is overshadowed by all its strengths. It’s recommended to pair it with a Dragon-type Pokémon and a second one of your choice.
- Type: Fairy
- ATK: 250
- DEF: 185
- STA: 246
- Max CP: 4275
Like Zacian, Xerneas has Fairy typing and dominates most matchups. Additionally, its Moonblast attack deals massive damage to Dragon-types, which is extremely useful in the Master League. However, Zacian has its own advantages (such as in battles against Ho-Oh), so if you can’t choose between the two, consider adding both to your team and be ready to face a variety of opponents.
Zygarde (Complete Forme)
- Type: Dragon/Ground
- ATK: 185
- DEF: 211
- STA: 389
- Max CP: 4267
No Dragon-type Pokémon can compare to Zygarde in Fast Attack. It can withstand Mewtwo's Ice Beam and even survive Draco Meteor from another powerful Dragon, Dialga. With Crunch and STAB Earthquake in its arsenal, you’re ready to face Lugia and Dialga—popular Pokémon that your opponent’s trainer might use against your Dragon. However, Zygarde-C does have a weak spot—Fairies! Beware of attacks from Togekiss, as well as Zacian and Xerneas—their attacks can easily knock the crown off Zygarde-C’s head. On the bright side, these Fairy-type Pokémon can be great teammates for your Pokémon.
Dusk Mane Necrozma
- Type: Psychic/Steel
- ATK: 277
- DEF: 220
- STA: 200
- Max CP: 4634
Dusk Mane Necrozma is a great choice for the Master League in Pokemon Go among Steel-type Pokémon. Its versatile move set, good stats, and useful resistances make it a solid addition to any team. It can handle most key threats like Lugia, Dialga, Xerneas, and Zacian. However, keep in mind that it has four weaknesses, which Yveltal, Landorus-T, and especially Ho-Oh can take advantage of.
Dawn Wings Necrozma
- Type: Psychic/Steel
- ATK: 277
- DEF: 220
- STA: 200
- Max CP: 4634
Dawn Wings Necrozma is a powerhouse in the Master League. A successful hit with Moongeist Beam knocks out most opponents. There are few Dark and Normal-type Pokémon in the meta, so it feels comfortable and unchallenged. However, the Pokémon does have its drawbacks—firstly, it lacks beneficial resistances, and secondly, the opponent's shields can interfere with a quick victory. One shield is manageable, but two will cause problems. Avoid using it against Yveltal, Zygarde, and Zarude, but you can include them in your team to have an advantage against enemy Necrozma.
Dialga (Origin Forme)
- Type: Steel/Dragon
- ATK: 270
- DEF: 225
- STA: 205
- Max CP: 4624
Dialga-O has remained in the top tier of the Master League since its introduction and is not willing to easily give up its spot. Dialga-O boasts incredible defense and powerful Dragon Breath. Its Steel typing allows it to threaten Fairy-type Pokémon, which are very effective against Dragons. However, Xerneas can block Iron Head and retaliate with Moonblast. Additionally, beware of Landorus-T, Groudon, Solgaleo, Melmetal, and Excadrill. These Pokémon make great companions for Dialga-O in your team, as the likelihood of encountering this Pokémon on the opponent's side is very high!
Palkia (Origin Forme)
- Type: Water/Dragon
- ATK: 286
- DEF: 223
- STA: 189
- Max CP: 4683
This is one of the main threats in the Master League. This enhanced version of the base form boasts excellent stats and a reliable Dragon-type charged attack. Even titans like Dialga, Dialga-O, and Zygarde struggle to deal with Palkia-O. One of its advantages is its Water type. Defensively, this allows it to take neutral damage from Ice-type attacks, while offensively, it can pressure Ground, Steel, and Fairy-type Pokémon.
There are few counters to it, other than Xerneas or Zacian. We recommend including them in your team if you're using this fighter. Other strong Pokémon capable of dealing significant damage to Palkia-O risk taking fatal damage themselves due to its weaknesses.
- Type: Dragon/Flying
- ATK: 263
- DEF: 198
- STA: 209
- Max CP: 4287
Dragonite has Dragon Claw, allowing it to attack faster and apply pressure on other Dragons. Its secondary Flying type lets it completely avoid Groudon's Mud Shot attack. Metagross and Dialga make great teammates for Dragonite.
Landorus (Therian Forme)
- Type: Ground/Flying
- ATK: 289
- DEF: 179
- STA: 205
- Max CP: 4434
You should consider Landorus if you're looking for a Ground-type Pokémon, as there are few counters to these creatures. Landorus can deal with both Steel and Flying types. If it falls in battle, it may leave a parting gift for its teammates—the debuff Sandsear Storm on the opponent. You can team it up with Palkia (Origin Forme) and a Psychic-type Pokémon to counter dangerous threats.
- Type: Water
- ATK: 270
- DEF: 228
- STA: 205
- Max CP: 4652
Against opponents without Water resistance, Kyogre brings destruction with Waterfall and Surf. However, Dragons can hold its momentum back, which is a significant challenge for Kyogre. Since you'll frequently face Dragons, don't forget to include Pokémon in your team that can handle them, such as Zacian, Dialga, Dragon Tail Groudon, and Togekiss.
- Type: Psychic
- ATK: 193
- DEF: 310
- STA: 235
- Max CP: 4186
With the highest Defense among top-tier Pokémon, Lugia also resists Garchomp, Groudon, Palkia, and Mewtwo's Focus Blast. You can use this fighter when you need to withstand powerful attacks from a troublesome opponent, and despite certain weaknesses, Lugia excels at its job, only really falling short compared to Melmetal. Good teammates for it would be Yveltal and Landorus (Therian Forme).
We've reviewed the 15 best fighters for the Master League in Pokémon GO. These heroes are typically the core of any team and the main attackers. They are not easy to obtain, but they can ensure victory in trainer battles. Do you have any of these creatures in your collection? Be sure to share in the comments!
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