Very soon, Path of Exile 2 will receive a major update, 0.2.0: Dawn of the Hunt. Today, the developers released a teaser revealing the release date—April 4—as well as announcing a live reveal broadcast scheduled for March 27.
Over the past few weeks, the PoE2 dev team has been gradually sharing details about the upcoming update, and it's clear that it will be quite significant. We already know that it will introduce two new Unique items, multiple endgame improvements, new classes, support gems, and various refinements across many aspects of the game.
Aside from the teaser with release dates, the developers have also published nine different announcements (all of which can be found on the game's official website). It is also likely that we will receive more data pieces in the upcoming days.
Dawn of the Hunt is going to be huge. So, if you're a fan of Path of Exile 2, there's still time to get fully prepared for the update’s launch!
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