The show Secret Level has released its first full trailer, featuring a variety of iconic video game characters who will appear in the animated anthology. For example, one scene shows a Space Marine from Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine battling a horde of orks, while another features the protagonist from Sifu fighting in a club.
The idea behind the series is simple: each episode is basically a love letter to one of the games. Some episodes are used to expand a lore, some may give another perspective on the fan favorite, but overall it looks like a pleasant experience for the gamers.
The cast is filled with stars, including Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator), Keanu Reeves (John Wick), Claudia Doumit (The Boys), and several other notable actors who will bring gaming characters to life.
There will also be an episode dedicated to the now-defunct game Concord. The anthology’s creator, Tim Miller, admitted he couldn’t understand why the shooter failed. The first season will have a total of 15 episodes.
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