Remedy has provided details on its financial performance, as well as updates on upcoming and recently released games, as part of its financial report for the first half of 2024.

The Finnish company's revenue grew by 33.7% compared to the same period in 2023, reaching €21.1 million. However, operating profit remained negative at -€5.3 million, although this is a significant improvement from the previous year's figures.

Alan Wake 2 has recovered most of the costs associated with its development and marketing. While specific sales figures were not disclosed, the game had sold 1.3 million copies by February. Company executives expressed satisfaction with the feedback from both journalists and gamers regarding the Night Springs DLC, which was released in June.

The remakes of Max Payne have entered full production, though there is still no estimated release date. The updated versions of the action games were announced in 2022 and are being developed in collaboration with Rockstar, which owns the rights to the franchise.

Control 2 already has a playable build with several completed key mechanics. The sequel to Jesse Faden's adventures is ready to move into full development.

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