The Game Developer website released an article about how Nintendo systematically does not credit third-party translators in the titles of their games and the consequences of such an approach for the workers.

Journalists spoke with several translators who worked with Nintendo through third-party firms like Localsoft on different titles. The translators wished to remain anonymous due to concerns that complaints against Nintendo could affect their careers.

One interviewee shared that his name was consistently mentioned in the credits when he was a full-time employee at Nintendo. However, after leaving the company and translating Nintendo games through Localsoft, he has not received any credit in the titles. Other translators confirmed the same approach and experience.

Translators also reported that Nintendo requires them to sign NDA for ten years. As a result, they cannot showcase their work. They call Nintendo's policy absurd, as it directly hinders their ability to advance their careers and secure better job offers.

At the moment of writing, Nintendo did not comment on the article.

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