At the Tokyo Game Show 2024, Ken Kutaragi, the "father" of PlayStation consoles who championed the idea of Sony entering the gaming console market, took the stage. He reflected on the early days of PlayStation's inception.

It turns out that Sony's leadership was initially afraid to challenge Nintendo. The two companies had been collaborating and had plans to create a joint gaming device, but those plans ultimately fell through. Kutaragi recounted how none of the Sony employees he spoke with believed in the success of his team's efforts to develop a gaming console.

Their doubts about the new device were unfounded — the original PlayStation quickly gained popularity after its launch in December 1994. Today, the PlayStation brand is one of the leaders in the console market alongside Nintendo, having expanded through five generations, each of which introduced groundbreaking technological innovations.

However, Kutaragi is also concerned with the future. He believes that humanity is entering an era of "real-time" computing, which could lead to the gaming industry growing "a hundredfold." Specifically, he noted that game development could potentially harness artificial intelligence to generate unique NPC reactions.

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