At the end of July, the modding project Team Folon released a large-scale global mod for Fallout 4 called Fallout: London. Despite a somewhat rocky launch, partly due to installation difficulties, it broke the GOG record, with over 500,000 downloads in the first 24 hours.

The success of the mod has allowed the creators of Fallout: London to think about future plans differently as they now have more resources thanks to the overwhelming support from the community. In an interview with the BBC, Dean Carter from Team Folon announced that they aim to transform the modding team into a bona fide indie studio.

According to Carter, establishing an official studio would enable the team to put forward their own ideas and create games without having to answer to anyone higher up. This is a clear nod towards Bethesda, as the mod creators mentioned that the company never once contacted them. Communication issues, in particular, impacted the mod's release date.

While this step is worth admiration, the hardest challenges will only begin. If Team FOLON decides to do it, we can only wish them luck.

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